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Persist localStorage with useReducer

I have a mini shopping cart application that uses useState. I now want to refactor the application's state to be managed by useReducer and continue to persist data with localStorage.

I'm having trouble figuring out how to refactor, with the many moving pieces involved. How do I go about refactoring the logic within addToCartHandler to be instead used inside the ADD_TO_CART case? From there, I believe I'd be able to figure out the pattern for the other cases in the cartReducer. Thank you.


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ln09nv2 Avatar asked Oct 27 '20 01:10


People also ask

Is useReducer better than useState?

The useReducer hook is usually recommended when the state becomes complex, with state values depending on each other or when the next state depends on the previous one. However, many times you can simply bundle your separate useState statements into one object and continue to use useState .

Is useReducer a replacement for Redux?

Can useReducer replace Redux? The useReducer hook should be used in components that have complex logic behind it. It shows as the main confusion with the Redux library, because developers tend to think that useReducer could replace the state manager library. But in fact, its use should be restricted to components.

Is useReducer useful?

useReducer is usually preferable to useState when you have complex state logic that involves multiple sub-values or when the next state depends on the previous one. useReducer also lets you optimize performance for components that trigger deep updates because you can pass dispatch down instead of callbacks.

What is the difference between useReducer and Usecontext?

Instead of passing the props down through each component, React Context allows you to broadcast props to the components below. The useReducer hook is used for complex state manipulations and state transitions. … useReducer is a React hook function that accepts a reducer function, and an initial state.

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2 Answers

Use Context API to manage cart state

I would start by isolating your cart state and persistence to local storage to a react context provider. The context can provide the cart state and action dispatcher to the rest of the app, as well as persist the state to localStorage when the state updates using an effect. This decouples all of the state management from the app, the app need only consume the context to access the cart state and dispatch actions to update it.

import React, { createContext, useEffect, useReducer } from "react";
import { cartReducer, initializer } from "../cartReducer";

export const CartContext = createContext();

export const CartProvider = ({ children }) => {
  const [cart, dispatch] = useReducer(cartReducer, [], initializer);

  useEffect(() => {
    localStorage.setItem("localCart", JSON.stringify(cart));
  }, [cart]);

  return (

Wrap the app in the CartProvider in index.js

  <App />

Edit persist-localstorage-with-usereducer

Round out the rest of the app

In cartReducer refine the reducer, and export the initializer function and action creators.

const initialState = [];

export const initializer = (initialValue = initialState) =>
  JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("localCart")) || initialValue;

export const cartReducer = (state, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case "ADD_TO_CART":
      return state.find((item) => item.name === action.item.name)
        ? state.map((item) =>
            item.name === action.item.name
              ? {
                  quantity: item.quantity + 1
              : item
        : [...state, { ...action.item, quantity: 1 }];

    case "REMOVE_FROM_CART":
      return state.filter((item) => item.name !== action.item.name);

      // if quantity is 1 remove from cart, otherwise decrement quantity
      return state.find((item) => item.name === action.item.name)?.quantity ===
        ? state.filter((item) => item.name !== action.item.name)
        : state.map((item) =>
            item.name === action.item.name
              ? {
                  quantity: item.quantity - 1
              : item

    case "CLEAR_CART":
      return initialState;

      return state;

export const addToCart = (item) => ({
  type: "ADD_TO_CART",

export const decrementItemQuantity = (item) => ({

export const removeFromCart = (item) => ({

export const clearCart = () => ({
  type: "CLEAR_CART"

In Product.js get the cart context via a useContext hook and dispatch an addToCart action

import React, { useContext, useState } from "react";
import { CartContext } from "../CartProvider";
import { addToCart } from "../cartReducer";

const Item = () => {
  const { dispatch } = useContext(CartContext);


  const addToCartHandler = (product) => {


  return (

CartItem.js get and use the cart context to dispatch actions to decrement quantity or remove item.

import React, { useContext } from "react";
import { CartContext } from "../CartProvider";
import { decrementItemQuantity, removeFromCart } from "../cartReducer";

const CartItem = () => {
  const { cart, dispatch } = useContext(CartContext);

  const removeFromCartHandler = (itemToRemove) =>

  const decrementQuantity = (item) => dispatch(decrementItemQuantity(item));

  return (
      {cart.map((item, idx) => (
        <div className="cartItem" key={idx}>
            Quantity: {item.quantity}{" "}
              <button type="button" onClick={() => decrementQuantity(item)}>
          <h5>Cost: {item.cost} </h5>
          <button onClick={() => removeFromCartHandler(item)}>Remove</button>

App.js get both the cart state and dispatcher via context hook, and update the total items and price logic to account for item quantities.

import { CartContext } from "./CartProvider";
import { clearCart } from "./cartReducer";

export default function App() {
  const { cart, dispatch } = useContext(CartContext);

  const clearCartHandler = () => {

  const { items, total } = cart.reduce(
    ({ items, total }, { cost, quantity }) => ({
      items: items + quantity,
      total: total + quantity * cost
    { items: 0, total: 0 }

  return (
    <div className="App">
      <h1>Emoji Store</h1>
      <div className="products">
        <Product />
      <div className="cart">
        <CartItem />
       : {items} | Total Cost: ${total.toFixed(2)}
      <button onClick={clearCartHandler}>Clear Cart</button>
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Drew Reese Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 04:10

Drew Reese

Here's my working of it. I added all the cases for the cartReducer because I was having fun with it.

In case you want to work through it yourself, here's the first case with the setup to use the localStorage to keep the item values.

The overview of what I'm doing is: Use the switch case to set up the new state in the reducer, and then set the localStorage state to the new value every time the cart changes via an effect.

The logic in the product is just replaced with a simple action dispatch. As the logic is instead in the reducer. It's likely you could simplify the logic in the ADD_TO_CART case, but this handles everything and in an immutable way. Using something like immer would simplify the logic by a decent bit.

const storageKey = "localCart";
const cartReducer = (state, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case "ADD_TO_CART": {
      const product = action.payload;
      let index = state.findIndex((item) => product.name === item.name);
      if (index >= 0) {
        const newState = [...state];
        newState.splice(index, 1, {
          quantity: state[index].quantity + 1
        return newState
      } else {
        return [...state, { ...product, quantity: 1 }];
      throw new Error();

Use in the App component:

  const [cart, cartDispatch] = useReducer(
    // So we only have to pull from localStorage one time - Less file IO
    (initial) => JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(storageKey)) || initial
  useEffect(() => {
    // This is a side-effect and belongs in an effect
    localStorage.setItem(storageKey, JSON.stringify(cart));
  }, [cart]);

Use in the Product component:

  const addToCartHandler = (product) => {
    dispatch({ type: "ADD_TO_CART", payload: product });

Full working CodeSandbox

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Zachary Haber Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 06:10

Zachary Haber