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Persist c# objects across postbacks

I've got an asp.net page that has c# code-behind that does some stuff in the Page_Load() method (like query a database and make a few other calls to populate objects with data). I then display this data on the page. This all works fine. I set up a couple of postbacks so that when a value in a listbox is clicked, a panel control is filled with the rest of the corresponding object's data. I thought postbacks were the right way to do this, but this causes the (entire class?) to be re-called, which re-initializes my objects and destroys the data I want to keep.

Will some form of partial-postback solve this problem, or is there a better way to implement what I'm trying to do?

I don't want to re-populate the objects every time a postback is called, as that takes a database query, and I want to avoid re-querying every time something is clicked...

I've found many questions regarding persisting Javascript objects, but nothing that really seems to address this. I'm using .Net 4.0

like image 958
uscere90 Avatar asked Jun 10 '11 16:06


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1 Answers

Put the objects into the Session for the current user.

like image 120
Yuck Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09
