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Permissions Required for GIT-TF?



I am the admin for my company's TFS2012 server. I have gotten GIT-TF working for myself, however the other developers at my company are having permission problems. They have access to the project in question as a contributor, but performing a clone of the project is yielding permission problems. Below is a snapshot of the cmd and error:

git-tf clone <servername> <projectname>
Connecting to TFS...
Username: <username>
git-tf: Access denied connecting to TFS server <servername> <authenticating as <username>>

When I perform the same command, it doesn't ask for my username and password, presumably because I am logged into Windows under a user with permission.

Thank you for any assistance.

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bruestle2 Avatar asked Oct 07 '13 13:10


People also ask

How do I check permissions in git?

From any folder in your local machine, type git ls-remote /url/remote/repo . But for any more advance permission check, you would need to go to the remote server hosting that repo. Or at list query that server, listing the members for a given project. See GitLab API "List all members of a group or project".

How do I give permission to create a repository in Azure Devops?

Open project settings-> Repositories->click one repo-> select the repositories which you want to give access to another team->add the permission group and set the permission Read to Allow. Then the group users can access these repositories.

3 Answers

Did you make sure to include the collection name in the url passed to the git-tf command? My company had problems exactly like you describe and that was the fix.

This: git-tf clone http://<server>:<port>/tfs/<collection name> $/<project name>
Not this: git-tf clone http://<server>:<port>/tfs/ $/<project name>

Hope this helps.

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mpete510 Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 05:01


I had the same problem. Maybe they configured a proxy with the HTTP_PROXY environment variable, and your TFS server is local and the proxy should not be used to access it. It gave me the same symptom.

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Guillaume Collic Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 05:01

Guillaume Collic

I had the same problem. Solution was:
1. Use https://github.com/new/import instead as described here.
2. Create and pass personal access token as described here.

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Alexander Demko Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 06:01

Alexander Demko