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Perl web-service (server) best practices

I'm currently using a modified HTTP::Daemon::Threaded server in combination with SOAP::WSDL and Pod::WSDL to provide web services used by a variety of client types and roles.

---- that's not the question, the following is -----

I'd like to arrive at an optimal solution (as far as is possible) with respect to the following topics:

  • Request/Dispatch/Response speed
  • Protocol security (proper use of client-authenticated SSLv3/TLS)
  • Resource security (security roles/traits on per-resource & per-method bases)
  • Declarative specification of types, method signatures, and required security roles & traits.


  1. I'd like to be using an IO::Select or IO::Async::Loop::IO_Ppoll -based server, but I understand that this is not compatible with in-server client authenticated SSL. Is my understanding correct?

  2. I'd like to move away from verifying the client certificate on each request, to something like CA SiteMinder, where I give out a time-limited session cookie after successful client certificate verification, which can be used on subsequent requests to avoid this time penalty (and to lessen server load). Is this going to be as secure? (or even good enough?)

  3. Is there some module/framework I can build on to provided Trait and Role -based Authorisation for the exposed object and methods. Pod::WSDL really only deals with types (and not even complex ones). I'd like to use/implement some declarative annotation (or external YAML) -based scheme to handle complex WSDL typing as well as Trait & Role Authorisation. Has anyone done this? (even separately?) Are there any other modules which might be a good starting point?

  4. Finally - Am I just crazy for doing this in Perl5 ? ;)

like image 881
David-SkyMesh Avatar asked Nov 26 '22 19:11


1 Answers

Ok, everyone's answering everything but the real questions.

I'll break this out into specific questions in separate posts, and won't make any mention at all of the server make-up - a topic which everyone in this thread seems to want to discuss, and which is completely irrelevant.

like image 82
David-SkyMesh Avatar answered Nov 29 '22 08:11
