I'm trying to GET about 7 dozens of urls in parallel with scripts: the first is below, with HTTP::Async, and the second one is on pastebin, with Net::Async::HTTP.
The problem is that I'm getting pretty same timing results - about 8..14 seconds for all urls list. It's inacceptable slow compared to curl+xargs started from shell, which gets all in less than 3 seconds with 10-20 "threads".
For example, Devel::Timer in first script shows that max queue length is even less than 6 ($queue->in_progress_count
<=5, $queue->to_send_count
=0 allways). So, it's looks like foreach with $queue->add is executing too slow, and I don't know why.
Pretty same situation I got with Net::Async::HTTP (second script on pastebin), which is even slower than the first.
So, please, does anybody know, what I'm doing wrong? How can I get concurrent download speed at least compared to curl+xargs started from shell?
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use utf8;
use strict;
use POSIX qw(ceil);
use XML::Simple;
use Data::Dumper;
use HTTP::Request;
use HTTP::Async;
use Time::HiRes qw(usleep time);
use Devel::Timer;
use constant passwd => 'ultramegahypapassword';
use constant agent => 'supa agent dev.alpha';
use constant timeout => 10;
use constant slots => 10;
use constant debug => 1;
my @qids;
my @xmlz;
my $queue = HTTP::Async->new(slots => slots,max_request_time => 10, timeout => timeout, poll_interval => 0.0001);
my %responses;
my @urlz = (
my $timer = Devel::Timer->new();
foreach my $el (@urlz) {
my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $el);
$request->header(User_Agent => agent);
push @qids,$queue->add($request);
$timer->mark("pushed [$el], to_send=".$queue->to_send_count().", to_return=".$queue->to_return_count().", in_progress=".$queue->in_progress_count());
$timer->mark('requestz pushed');
while ($queue->in_progress_count) {
$timer->mark('requestz complited');
$timer->mark('responzez processed');
foreach my $q (@xmlz) {
# print ">>>>>>".Dumper($q)."<<<<<<<<\n";
print "\n\n";
My best results with HTTP::Async are well over 4 and up to over 5 seconds. As I understand this approach isn't required, and here is a simple forking example that takes a little over 2 and at most below 3 seconds.
It uses Parallel::ForkManager and LWP::UserAgent for downloads.
use warnings;
use strict;
use Path::Tiny;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Parallel::ForkManager;
my @urls = @{ get_urls('https://pastebin.com/raw/VyhMEB3w') };
my $pm = new Parallel::ForkManager(60); # max of 60 processes at a time
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
print "Downloading ", scalar @urls, " files.\n";
my $dir = 'downloaded_files/';
mkdir $dir if not -d $dir;
my $cnt = 0;
foreach my $link (@urls)
my $file = "$dir/file_" . ++$cnt . '.txt';
$pm->start and next; # child process
# add code needed for actual pages (authorization etc)
my $response = $ua->get($link);
if ($response->is_success) {
else { warn $response->status_line }
$pm->finish; # child exit
sub get_urls {
my $resp = LWP::UserAgent->new->get($_[0]);
return [ grep /^http:/, split /\s*'?,?\s*\n\s*'?/, $resp->decoded_content ];
The files are written using Path::Tiny. Its path
builds an object and spew
routines write the file.
For reference, the sequential downloads take around 26 seconds.
With the maximum number of processes set to 30 this takes over 4 seconds, and with 60 it is a little over 2 seconds, about the same as with (up to) 90. There are 70 urls in this test.
Tested at a 4-core laptop with a decent network connection. (Here the CPU isn't all that important.) The tests were run repeatedly, at multiple times and on multiple days.
A comparison with the approach from the question
The best HTTP::Async
results are slower than the above by around a factor of two. They are with 30-40 "slots" since for higher numbers the time goes up, what puzzles (me). The module uses select
to multiplex, via Net::HTTP::NB (a non-blocking version of Net::HTTP). While select
"does not scale well" this regards hundreds of sockets and I'd expect to be able to use more than 40 on this network bound problem. The simple forked approach does.
Also, select
is considered to be a slow method to monitor sockets while forks don't even need that, as each process has its own url. (This may result in module's overhead when there are many connections?) Fork's inherent overhead is fixed and dwarfed by network access. If we were after (many) hundreds of downloads the system may get strained by processes, but select
wouldn't fare well either.
Finally, select
based methods download strictly one file at a time,
and the effect is seen by printing as requests are add
ed -- we can see the delay. The forked downloads go in parallel (in this case all 70 at the same time without a problem). Then there'll be a network or disk bottleneck but that is tiny in comparison to the gain.
Update: I pushed this to double the number of sites and processes, saw no signs of OS/CPU strain, and retained the average speed.
So I'd say, if you need to shave off every second use forks. But if this is not critical and there are other benefits of HTTP::Async
(or such) then be content with (just a bit) longer downloads.
The HTTP::Async
code that performs well ended up being simply
foreach my $link ( @urls ) {
$async->add( HTTP::Request->new(GET => $link) );
while ( my $response = $async->wait_for_next_response ) {
# write file (or process otherwise)
I have also tried to tweak headers and timings. (This included dropping keep-alive
as suggested, by $request->header(Connection => 'close')
, to no effect.)
For explaining my comment. I was curious, because never used the Net::Async::HTTP
before, wanted to try your script locally. So, created this minimalist Plack app.psgi
use 5.014;
use warnings;
use Plack::Builder;
use Plack::Request;
use Plack::Response;
use Time::HiRes qw(usleep);
my $app = sub {
my $env = shift;
my $req = Plack::Request->new($env);
my($ms,$id) = $req->path_info =~ /(\d+)/g;
$ms //= 0;
$id //= "NOID";
#fake some processing slowness
my $res = Plack::Response->new(200);
$res->body( "req# $id served by PID $$ fakewait: $ms\n");
return $res->finalize;
builder {
# enable "Auth::Basic", authenticator => \&auth;
#sub auth { return $_[0] eq 'me' && $_[1] eq 'me' }
The server understand URL's in a form GET /sleep_time/reqID
, where
- and the server sleep the given time before responds. E.g. it fakes some "processing time".E.g. requesting GET /1000000/1
, the server will sleep 1second before responds. In response is included the PID
of the responding process.
In one terminal window run the above using Starman
preforkimg server with default 20
plackup -s Starman
And in the another window the results using xargs
time seq 20 | xargs -n1 -P10 -I% curl http://localhost:5000/1000000/%
so, sending 20 requests, where each response tooks 1s
processing time.
req# 1 served by PID 28163 fakewait: 1000000
req# 2 served by PID 28161 fakewait: 1000000
req# 3 served by PID 28162 fakewait: 1000000
req# 4 served by PID 28160 fakewait: 1000000
req# 5 served by PID 28159 fakewait: 1000000
real 0m4,032s
user 0m0,092s
sys 0m0,074s
So, 20 requests = 4 seconds. It is visible, that the reponding PID
's are different - e.g the repsonse is sent by different worker.
Now using your script async.pl
(slightly shortened/modified):
use 5.014;
use warnings;
use HTTP::Request;
use IO::Async::Loop;
use Net::Async::HTTP;
use Future::Utils qw(fmap_void);
my $sleep = $ARGV[0] // 0;
my $numreq = $ARGV[1] // 20;
my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new( timeout => 10, max_connections_per_host => 0, pipeline => 0, ip_tos => 0x10 );
$loop->add( $http );
my $future = fmap_void {
(my $url ) = @_;
my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url);
$http->do_request( request => $request )
->on_done( sub {
my $response = shift;
my($body) = $response->content =~ s/\n.*//sr;
print "$url [", $response->code, "] --> $body\n";
} )
->on_fail( sub {
my $failure = shift;
print "$url failed: $failure\n";
} );
} foreach => [map { "http://localhost:5000/$sleep/$_" } (1 .. $numreq)];
$loop->await( $future );
time perl async.pl 1000000 20
http://localhost:5000/1000000/1 [200] --> req# 1 served by PID 28160 fakewait: 1000000
http://localhost:5000/1000000/2 [200] --> req# 2 served by PID 28160 fakewait: 1000000
http://localhost:5000/1000000/3 [200] --> req# 3 served by PID 28160 fakewait: 1000000
http://localhost:5000/1000000/4 [200] --> req# 4 served by PID 28160 fakewait: 1000000
http://localhost:5000/1000000/5 [200] --> req# 5 served by PID 28160 fakewait: 1000000
http://localhost:5000/1000000/6 [200] --> req# 6 served by PID 28160 fakewait: 1000000
real 0m20,309s
user 0m0,183s
sys 0m0,053s
Same 20 requests = 20 seconds, and each request is served by the same PID
. Like pure sequential processing. :(
This probably because the requests reusing the connection (eg. the keep-alive).
Finally - unfortunately, as i told - i haven't any experience with the module, so haven't idea how to force the module to do-not-reuse the opened connection.
So, finally got working sample (full script). It uses Furl
and fork_call
from AnyEvent::Util
. This example returnes in ~3 secs, what is good enough. If you need to use basic HTTP auth, just use URI with creds like this: username:[email protected]/path?param1=val1¶m2=val2
. You better add use EV;
before using AnyEvent
because EV is the fastest.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use Devel::Timer;
use Furl;
use EV;
use AnyEvent;
use AnyEvent::Util 'fork_call';
#get full script
my @urls = (...);
sub fetch {
my $url = shift;
my $furl = Furl::HTTP->new(agent => 'Furl/0.31',timeout => 3);
print "start $url\n";
my ($ver, $code, $msg, $headers, $body) = $furl->get($url);
my $size = length $body;
print "finished $url, $size bytes\n";
return ($code, $msg, $headers, $body);
my %resps;
my $timer = Devel::Timer->new();
$AnyEvent::Util::MAX_FORKS = 20;
my $cv = AE::cv;
foreach my $url (@urls) {
$timer->mark('next foreach');
fork_call {
print "getting $url... ";
my ($code, $msg, $headers, $body)=fetch($url);
print "[$code]\n";
return ($url, $code, $msg, $headers, $body);
sub {
print "adding 2 %resps\n";
my ($url, $code, $msg, $headers, $body)=@_;
print "\nall data is ready, press <ENTER>:";
print Dumper(%resps);
print "\n<PRESS ENTER>to print timer report\n";
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