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Perl, How do I create a map/grep like subroutine?




I want to create a subroutine like grep {} @ or map {} @ that can handle code and/or boolean input. Somehow the internet doesn't have much info on this.

I tried to create the sub below, but it can't even handle the first test. I get the error Can't locate object method "BoolTest" via package "input" (perhaps you forgot to load "input"?) at C:\path\to\file.pl line 16..

How does this think it's an object? Am I not creating BoolTest correctly?

# Example senarios
BoolTest { 'input' =~ /test[ ]string/xi };
BoolTest { $_ =~ /test[ ]string/xi } @array;

# Example subroutine
sub BoolTest
   if ( ref($_[0]) == 'CODE') {
       my $code = \&{shift @_}; # ensure we have something like CODE
       if ($code->()) { say 'TRUE'; } else { say 'FALSE'; }
   } else {
       if ($_[0]) { say 'TRUE'; } else { say 'FALSE'; }
like image 953
Eric Fossum Avatar asked Jan 29 '15 19:01

Eric Fossum

1 Answers

To pass a code reference, you can use the following:

sub BoolTest { ... }

BoolTest sub { 'input' =~ /test[ ]string/xi };
BoolTest sub { $_ =~ /test[ ]string/xi }, @array;

You could have the sub have a similar syntax to map BLOCK LIST, by using the &@ prototype.

sub BoolTest(&@) { ... }

BoolTest { 'input' =~ /test[ ]string/xi };
BoolTest { $_ =~ /test[ ]string/xi } @array;

This creates the same anonymous subs are earlier, so return, last, etc will behave the same as in the first snippet.

Note that the prototyped version won't accept


unless you override the prototype


But you shouldn't expect your caller to do that. Based on your example, you could have them use the following, but a second sub might be better.

BoolTest { TRUE };
like image 166
ikegami Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11
