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Perl: Assigning an array to a hash


This syntax works:

$b{"x"} = [1,2,3]; pp %b; # Displays ("x", [1, 2, 3])  

But I need to be able to dynamically create the array's contents and assign it later. This does not work; help, what's the obvious part I'm missing?

@a = [1,2,3]; $b{"x"} = @a; pp %b; # Shows up as ("x", 1) ... not what I want or expected. 

Tried these variations, too.

$b{"x"} = [@a];  # ("x", [[1, 2, 3]])  ...close  $b{"x"} = \@a;   # ("x", [[1, 2, 3]])    $b{"x"} = [\@a]; # ("x", [[[1, 2, 3]]])    $b{"x"} = %a;    # ("x", 0)  $b{"x"} = $a;    # ("x", undef)  $b{"x"} = [$a];  # ("x", [undef])  $b{"x"} = @{@a};  # ("x", 0)  

And, ideally, I'd like to be able to get the array back out later as an array.

like image 515
Walt Stoneburner Avatar asked Mar 21 '11 23:03

Walt Stoneburner

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1 Answers

The part you're missing is that @a = [1,2,3] doesn't make an array with 3 elements. It makes an array with one element which is an arrayref.

You meant @a = (1,2,3).

To assign that array to a hash element, you'd use either $b{"x"} = [@a] or $b{"x"} = \@a, depending on what you're trying to do. [@a] makes a new arrayref containing a copy of the current contents of @a. If the contents of @a change after that, it has no effect on $b{x}.

On the other hand, \@a gives you a reference to @a itself. If you then change the contents of @a, that will be visible in $b{x} (and vice versa).

like image 176
cjm Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 12:10
