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Performance testing utilities for C++ [closed]

I was curious whether anyone has any suggestions for performance testing libraries and frontends that will produce nice graphical charts for C++ (like how gcov produces coverage data and there are frontends out there for viewing the code coverage data). Being able to produce charts like:


would be pretty slick. We use cppunit right now for unit testing, so maybe there is something that integrates with that.

Some more info: We're compiling on Linux (we use Ubuntu Lucid/Maverick) on Intel x86-64 machines.

like image 329
Kenny Peng Avatar asked Jan 05 '11 16:01

Kenny Peng

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1 Answers

Some suggestions:

  • The googletest C++ framework is capable of producing JUnit-compatible reports.
  • Hudson can be used to run your tests. It only requires that your C++ application can be run as a console application.
  • The Hudson Performance Plugin can generate graphical charts from JUnit reports.
  • There are many other plugins.
like image 86
StackedCrooked Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 04:10
