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Performance of string.IndexOf OrdinalIgnoreCase vs CurrentCultureIgnoreCase [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
String comparison in dotnet framework 4

I noticed a performance problem on my machine in a UI app that is doing lots of string comparisons to do filtering of large lists. I tracked the issue down to using OrdinalIgnoreCase in a call to string.IndexOf. The following benchmarks were run in Release without the debugger attached, it's a 4.0 project built in VS 2010, windows 7, I do have the 4.5 beta installed on this machine, I'm not sure if that would affect this.

1.190 seconds for OrdinalIgnoreCase
0.178 seconds for CurrentCultureIgnoreCase
0.175 seconds for InvariantCultureIgnoreCase

0.101 seconds for Ordinal
0.132 seconds for CurrentCulture
0.126 seconds for InvariantCulture

1.176 seconds for OrdinalIgnoreCase
0.189 seconds for CurrentCultureIgnoreCase
0.183 seconds for InvariantCultureIgnoreCase

0.104 seconds for Ordinal
0.138 seconds for CurrentCulture
0.127 seconds for InvariantCulture

As you can see OrdinalIgnoreCase is over 6.5x slower! But without IgnoreCase Ordinal is the fastest. In multiple places microsoft recommends OrdinalIgnoreCase for the best performance. Can anyone replicate these results or explain why OrdinalIgnoreCase is going so much slower in this test?

private static void Test(string search, string key, StringComparison comparison, int trials)
    var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

    for (int i = 0; i < trials; i++)
        search.IndexOf(key, comparison);

    Console.WriteLine("{0:0.000} seconds for {1}", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0, comparison);

static void Main(string[] args)
    int trials = 1000000;
    var search = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
    var key = "34";

    Test(search, key, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase, trials);
    Test(search, key, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase, trials);
    Test(search, key, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase, trials);
    Test(search, key, StringComparison.Ordinal, trials);
    Test(search, key, StringComparison.CurrentCulture, trials);
    Test(search, key, StringComparison.InvariantCulture, trials);

    Test(search, key, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase, trials);
    Test(search, key, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase, trials);
    Test(search, key, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase, trials);
    Test(search, key, StringComparison.Ordinal, trials);
    Test(search, key, StringComparison.CurrentCulture, trials);
    Test(search, key, StringComparison.InvariantCulture, trials);
like image 358
BrandonAGr Avatar asked Mar 16 '12 01:03


People also ask

Which is faster IndexOf or contains?

NET 4.0 - IndexOf no longer uses Ordinal Comparison and so Contains can be faster.

What is difference between InvariantCultureIgnoreCase and OrdinalIgnoreCase?

InvariantCultureIgnoreCase uses comparison rules based on english, but without any regional variations. This is good for a neutral comparison that still takes into account some linguistic aspects. OrdinalIgnoreCase compares the character codes without cultural aspects.

What does StringComparison OrdinalIgnoreCase do?

OrdinalIgnoreCase members of the new StringComparison enumeration. These enforce a byte-by-byte comparison similar to strcmp that not only avoids bugs from linguistic interpretation of essentially symbolic strings, but provides better performance.

What is StringComparison CurrentCultureIgnoreCase?

The StringComparer returned by the CurrentCultureIgnoreCase property can be used when strings are linguistically relevant but their case is not. For example, if strings are displayed to the user but case is unimportant, culture-sensitive, case-insensitive string comparison should be used to order the string data.

1 Answers

This is apparently a known performance problem in .net 4, I found this bug entry on connect.microsoft.com

And there is a response

Posted by Microsoft on 2/10/2012 at 11:43 AM We were able to repro this issue. The issue has been resolved and the fix will be in the next release. Thank you for you feedback.

I'm not sure what the next release will be, I will just prefer using InvariantCultureIgnoreCase instead

like image 185
BrandonAGr Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 11:11
