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Performance hit from C++ style casts?

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What is a C style cast?

C-style casts can be used to convert any type into any other type, potentially with unsafe results (such as casting an integer into a pointer type). (<type>)<value> This example casts an int to a double for the purpose of avoiding truncation due to integer division: double result = (double)4/5; Popular pages.

Is typecasting inefficient?

Not directly. A type cast expresses an explicit conversion of a value from one data type to another. It is really the conversion that has the potential for a performance impact, and if such a conversion is going to be performed whether you cast or not, then the cast has no performance impact whatever.

Can C static cast?

Static casts are only available in C++.

What is a function style cast?

Function style casts bring consistency to primitive and user defined types. This is very useful when defining templates. For example, take this very silly example: template<typename T, typename U> T silly_cast(U const &u) { return T(u); }

If the C++ style cast can be conceptualy replaced by a C-style cast there will be no overhead. If it can't, as in the case of dynamic_cast, for which there is no C equivalent, you have to pay the cost one way or another.

As an example, the following code:

int x;
float f = 123.456;

x = (int) f;
x = static_cast<int>(f);

generates identical code for both casts with VC++ - code is:

00401041   fld         dword ptr [ebp-8]
00401044   call        __ftol (0040110c)
00401049   mov         dword ptr [ebp-4],eax

The only C++ cast that can throw is dynamic_cast when casting to a reference. To avoid this, cast to a pointer, which will return 0 if the cast fails.

The only one with any extra cost at runtime is dynamic_cast, which has capabilities that cannot be reproduced directly with a C style cast anyway. So you have no problem.

The easiest way to reassure yourself of this is to instruct your compiler to generate assembler output, and examine the code it generates. For example, in any sanely implemented compiler, reinterpret_cast will disappear altogether, because it just means "go blindly ahead and pretend the data is of this type".

Why would there be a performance hit? They perform exactly the same functionality as C casts. The only difference is that they catch more errors at compile-time, and they're easier to search for in your source code.

static_cast<float>(3) is exactly equivalent to (float)3, and will generate exactly the same code.

Given a float f = 42.0f reinterpret_cast<int*>(&f) is exactly equivalent to (int*)&f, and will generate exactly the same code.

And so on. The only cast that differs is dynamic_cast, which, yes, can throw an exception. But that is because it does things that the C-style cast cannot do. So don't use dynamic_cast unless you need its functionality.

It is usually safe to assume that compiler writers are intelligent. Given two different expressions that have the same semantics according to the standard, it is usually safe to assume that they will be implemented identically in the compiler.

Oops: The second example should be reinterpret_cast, not dynamic_cast, of course. Fixed it now.

Ok, just to make it absolutely clear, here is what the C++ standard says:


The conversions performed by

  • a const_cast (5.2.11)
  • a static_cast (5.2.9)
  • a static_cast followed by a const_cast
  • a reinterpret_cast (5.2.10), or
  • a reinterpret_cast followed by a const_cast.

can be performed using the cast notation of explicit type conversion. The same semantic restrictions and behaviors apply. If a conversion can be interpreted in more than one of the ways listed above, the interpretation that appears first in the list is used, even if a cast resulting from that interpretation is ill-formed.

So if anything, since the C-style cast is implemented in terms of the C++ casts, C-style casts should be slower. (of course they aren't, because the compiler generates the same code in any case, but it's more plausible than the C++-style casts being slower.)

There are four C++ style casts:

  • const_cast
  • static_cast
  • reinterpret_cast
  • dynamic_cast

As already mentioned, the first three are compile-time operations. There is no run-time penalty for using them. They are messages to the compiler that data that has been declared one way needs to be accessed a different way. "I said this was an int*, but let me access it as if it were a char* pointing to sizeof(int) chars" or "I said this data was read-only, and now I need to pass it to a function that won't modify it, but doesn't take the parameter as a const reference."

Aside from data corruption by casting to the wrong type and trouncing over data (always a possibility with C-style casts) the most common run-time problem with these casts is data that actually is declared const may not be castable to non-const. Casting something declared const to non-const and then modifying it is undefined. Undefined means you're not even guaranteed to get a crash.

dynamic_cast is a run-time construct and has to have a run-time cost.

The value of these casts is that they specifically say what you're trying to cast from/to, stick out visually, and can be searched for with brain-dead tools. I would recommend using them over using C-style casts.

When using dynamic_cast several checks are made during runtime to prevent you from doing something stupid (more at the GCC mailing list), the cost of one dynamic_cast depends on how many classes are affected, what classes are affected, etc.
If you're really sure the cast is safe, you can still use reinterpret_cast.

Although I agree with the statement "the only one with any extra cost at runtime is dynamic_cast", keep in mind there may be compiler-specific differences.

I've seen a few bugs filed against my current compiler where the code generation or optimization was slightly different depending on whether you use a C-style vs. C++-style static_cast cast.

So if you're worried, check the disassembly on hotspots. Otherwise just avoid dynamic casts when you don't need them. (If you turn off RTTI, you can't use dynamic_cast anyway.)