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Performance gain by using bulk inserts vs regular inserts in MongoDB

What is the performance gain by using bulk inserts vs regular inserts in MongoDB and pymongo specifically. Are bulk inserts just a wrapper for regular inserts?

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dsmilkov Avatar asked May 14 '13 00:05


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Multiple documents can be inserted at a time in MongoDB using bulk insert operation where an array of documents is passed to the insert method as parameter.

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But the main difference between 'save' and 'insert' command is that the 'save' command can insert or update a document whereas 'insert' only performs the insertion.

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1 Answers

Bulk inserts are no wrappers for regular inserts. A bulk insert operation contains many documents sent as a whole. It saves as many database round trips. It is much more performant since you don't have to send each document over the network separately.

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Stephane Godbillon Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 10:10

Stephane Godbillon