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Performance degradation after moving to jersey 2

We're working on a server using spring 4, embedded jetty 9 and jersey. Recently, we moved to jersey 2.13 and we noticed a degradation in performance. I performed some investigations using YourKit. I saw that there is a massive CPU usage in reflection done by jersey. Also, there are many NoSuchMethodExceptions and ClassNotFoundExceptions in Yourkit snapshot.

enter image description here

Are there any jersey configuration or a best practice to avoid this issue, or to optimize jersey? Or maybe it is a known issue in jersey 2?

Here are two screenshots from YourKit, showing the hot-spots, after excluding the socket read (java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0). The first one is with Merged Callees:

enter image description here

And the second one is with Back Trace:

enter image description here


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nahsh Avatar asked Dec 10 '14 08:12


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1 Answers

By looking at your question I can not pin point the exact issue. But I can suggest you to check the following things:

  1. Check if there are any duplicate libraries/jars with different versions in your final build
  2. Check whether you have recommended Spring/jersey transitive dependency/jar versions in your final build

If you are using maven to build your project, then I suggest using the maven dependency tree plugin to check the above mentioned points.

- Chiru

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Diablo Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 17:11
