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Per-class constants in Python

Another Python code style question.

If I have some "constant values" (quoted because there is not such thing in Python) that apply to a single class, what is preferred: module-level variables, or class variables?

E.g. Suppose we have a class Counter which does something when a constant threshold value is reached, which is preferred?

class Counter(object):

    def increment(self):
        self.val += 1
        if self.val == Counter.THRESHOLD:



class Counter(object):
    def increment(self):
        self.val += 1
        if self.val == COUNTER_THRESHOLD:

The only thing I've managed to dig up is from the Python docs. They suggest that class variables are ideally treated as "constant":

Class variables can be used as defaults for instance variables, but using mutable values there can lead to unexpected results.


However, this doesn't really answer the question. EDIT: As @JBernardo pointed out, this is irrelevant, as it refers to mutable data types, not to mutable variable values.



like image 557
Edd Barrett Avatar asked Jul 28 '15 14:07

Edd Barrett

People also ask

How many types of constants are there in Python?

Python uses four types of constants: integer, floating point, string, and boolean.

What is a class constant?

Class constants can be useful if you need to define some constant data within a class. A class constant is declared inside a class with the const keyword. Class constants are case-sensitive. However, it is recommended to name the constants in all uppercase letters.

What are constants in Python example?

What are constants in Python? In the Python programming language, Constants are types of variables whose values cannot be altered or changed after initialization. These values are universally proven to be true and they cannot be changed over time.

How do you write constants in Python?

However, Python doesn't have a dedicated syntax for defining constants. In practice, Python constants are just variables that never change. To prevent programmers from reassigning a name that's supposed to hold a constant, the Python community has adopted a naming convention: use uppercase letters.

2 Answers

Definitely keeping it as a member of the class, it's clearer and tidier.

You can have multiple classes each with a threshold that you don't interfere with (not to mention global namespace references to a threshold). It's a lot clearer to read classname.THRESHOLD as that signals an actual meaning to the intent.

But also, it's much better for imports. If you use

from file import classname

You will only keep the threshold if it's actually in the class's namespace, whereas global namespace variables are ignored when importing specific classes/functions.

To demonstrate:


glob = "global"

class ClassName:
    name = "Class Name"


from classy import ClassName

print ClassName.name
print glob

Result of running Otherfile.py

Class Name

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\person\Desktop\otherfile.py", line 4, in <module>
    print glob
NameError: name 'glob' is not defined
like image 96
SuperBiasedMan Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 17:09


If it applies only to the class, it should be visible only to the class.

like image 43
Bryan Oakley Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 17:09

Bryan Oakley