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PDF417 decoder for python

I've looked everywhere and I've only found information related to generating PDF417 codes, but nothing regarding how to decode them. Is there a library to decode them in python? I'm already detecting the code in an image and croping it, but now I need a decoder.

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Christian Rodriguez Avatar asked Nov 08 '17 16:11

Christian Rodriguez

2 Answers

I found this little piece of code, which does just what I want. It decodes PDF417 barcodes. Doesn't seem to be that robust though, so I'll guess I'll have to give the images some strong processing to extract only the barcode.

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Christian Rodriguez Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 19:11

Christian Rodriguez

There are two libraries that I know of for decoding PDF417 barcodes.

You can checkout python-zxing which is a python wrapper for the ZXing decoder or you can use pdf417decoder which is a native Python port of a C# PDF417 decoder library.

ZXing requires files to be saved to the disk first while pdf417decoder can take a PIL Image object directly.

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Brett Allen Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 18:11

Brett Allen