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PDF with fillable, saveable form using open-source software [closed]

My question is an extension of this one.

Is there any way to create a PDF that contains a fillable, saveable form using open-source software? Any development effort or library to this end gets points. Any software other than Acrobat gets points too.

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Alex Hirzel Avatar asked Jul 17 '12 20:07

Alex Hirzel

2 Answers

Update as of February 2013

According to this answer Adobe Reader XI allows saving any kind of PDF forms. I tested it myself and it worked.

My old answer:

If you want to generate PDF forms that can be filled out and saved using Adobe Acrobat Reader, then you are out of luck. This kind of PDF files contain an encrypted digital certificate that only Adobe Acrobat can generate. Adobe Acrobat Reader verifies the presence of this certificate on PDF forms before enabling the possibility to save the modifications.

Your choices are then to use Adobe Acrobat to generate the forms, or to use alternative ways of getting your PDF files with the filled data inside. One common approach is to include a submit button on your PDF file that posts the values of your fields to a web server, then you can fill out your PDF file there using a library of your choice.

Here is an example that uses this approach with the commercial library Amyuni PDF Creator.

Editing PDF Forms (AcroForms) within a Silverlight Application (Usual disclaimer applies)

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yms Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 19:10


You can create documents and Export to PDF, fillable or not, using OpenOffice. I've done it and it's pretty easy. The not so easy part is setting up the submission of the filled out data.

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C Terrell Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 21:10

C Terrell