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PayPal Adaptive Payments - description field

I'm using paypal adaptive payments for my website. I have different sellers and different products but the problem is that when a user buy something from my website in the payment summary there is the name and surname of the seller instead of the product name! enter image description here

I'm looking for a parameter to pass to display the product name instead of my name and the seller's name. I use PHP to redirect to the paypal's page.

Thank you!!

like image 627
Luca Pennisi Avatar asked Oct 09 '13 09:10

Luca Pennisi

People also ask

What is Adaptive payments?

Adaptive payments are payments made between one sender and multiple receivers–for example, let's say you need a cell phone carrier, cable company, and internet service provider to fulfill your communication needs.

Does PayPal do split payments?

Pay at a pace that works for you One payment down, 3 more to go. Split purchases between $30-$1,500 into 4 interest-free, bi-weekly payments without the hassle of late fees.

2 Answers

Here is an official reply from PayPal I got today:

You can display line item details for the Embedded flow only. The Embedded flow uses either a lightbox or a minibrowser for the checkout pages. The item details you set with SetPaymentOptions are only displayed to the customer via this Embedded flow.

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Marek Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 13:09


With Adaptive Payments you will need to use SetPaymentOptions API Operation in order to modify those fields (line item, business name, etc), you can find all the variables here.

You can find an example here: https://github.com/paypal/adaptivepayments-sdk-php/blob/master/samples/SetPaymentOptions.php

Line item works with embedded flow only.

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PayPal_Federica Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 15:09
