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Paw rest client : how to compute HMAC-SHA256 using absolute url as input



I'm using the awesome Paw software to make Htpp requests. It has a lot of great features including the ability to compute HMAC-SHA256 signatures, unfortunately, I cannot find how to use the full url of the current request as input of this. What is the keywork to enter in the input field?

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Antoine M. Avatar asked Nov 29 '14 08:11

Antoine M.

1 Answers

Step 1

  • Right-click on the field you want to insert the hash into, pick Crypto > HMAC-SHA256
  • In the Input field, right-click and pick Request > Request URL

Step 2

  • You should now see a Request URL dynamic value in the input field, this means the HMAC-SHA256 dynamic value will take the current request's URL as its input for hash computation
  • Enter your HMAC key in the Key field (tip: right-click and pick Values > Secure Value to keep your key encrypted = safer!)

Compute the hash of a request URL in Paw

Old version/original answer (not up-to-date):

There is not (yet) a Dynamic Value that returns the URL, that's a missing thing. But here's a workaround:

In the HMAC-SHA256 "Input" field, right-click and choose "Extensions" > "Custom". You'll have a JavaScript text field, make the function return:

return context.getCurrentRequest().url;

Compute the Request URL Hash in Paw

See the Extensions Reference for more details.

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Micha Mazaheri Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 11:10

Micha Mazaheri