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Patching an OS X App Easily

What's the simplest way to patch an OS X app not issued through the Mac App Store?

From what I've gathered, the "standard" way is via bsdiff and bspatch, but I've noticed that a bunch of programs have software patching screens that are essentially identical, so I was wondering if there was a tool of some sort out there that makes patching software easy?

Here's the screen I see, it's virtually the same for all the applications that have it- the buttons, wording, titles and everything are in the same- the only variation is the icon and the names & release notes.

It also goes through the same "downloading update, installing update" (and so on) prompts, the only variation being the icon of the app.

Software updater

like image 951
aroooo Avatar asked Dec 26 '22 21:12


2 Answers

This is from the Sparkle framework:


like image 181
Kevin Grant Avatar answered Jan 22 '23 01:01

Kevin Grant

Many huge projects use the Sparkle framework for updates.

like image 32
benjammin Avatar answered Jan 22 '23 00:01
