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PATCH AJAX Request in Laravel

Is it possible to make AJAX PATCH requests to laravel, or am I restricted to POST? Laravel uses PATCH in input hidden fields, however, I am not using form elements—just buttons that should partially update a record when clicked (via an AJAX request).

How would the route look like for this?

Routes file

Route::patch('questions/{id}', 'QuestionController@update')->before('admin');

I am not sure if laravel routes support PATCH.


public function update($id) {
    if (Request::ajax() && Request::isMethod('patch')) {
        //partially update record here


$('div#question_preview <some button selector>').click(function (event) {
        url: 'questions/'+question_id,
        type: 'PATCH',
        data: {status: 'some status'}

I am just looking for clarity, thanks!

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Rafael Avatar asked Dec 14 '22 17:12


1 Answers

Yeah, it's possible try

In Your JavaScript

$('#div#question_preview <some button selector>').click(function() {
                url: 'questions/'+question_id,
                type: 'PATCH',
                data: {status: <SOME VALUE I WANT>, _method: "PATCH"},
                success: function(res) {


In Your Route

Route::patch('questions/{id}', 'QuestionController@update')->before('admin');

In your QuestionController Controller's update method


You will see the respond like

string(5) "PATCH"

Read more about Request Information on Laravel doc.

like image 75
Set Kyar Wa Lar Avatar answered Jan 22 '23 10:01

Set Kyar Wa Lar