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Passing variables to ansible roles

I have my directory structure as this

└── digitalocean     ├── README.md     ├── play.yml     └── roles         ├── bootstrap_server         │   └── tasks         │       └── main.yml         ├── create_new_user         │   └── tasks         │       └── main.yml         ├── update         │   └── tasks         │       └── main.yml         └── vimserver             ├── files             │   └── vimrc_server             └── tasks                 └── main.yml 

When I am creating a user under the role create_new_user, I was hard coding the user name as

--- - name: Creating a user named username on the specified web server.   user:      name: username     state: present     shell: /bin/bash     groups: admin     generate_ssh_key: yes     ssh_key_bits: 2048     ssh_key_file: .ssh/id_rsa  - name: Copy .ssh/id_rsa from host box to the remote box for user username   become: true   copy:      src: ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub     dest: /home/usernmame/.ssh/authorized_keys     mode: 0600     owner: username     group: username 

One way of solving this may be to create a var/main.yml and put the username there. But I wanted something through which I can specify the username at play.yml level. As I am also using the username in the role vimrcserver.

I am calling the roles using play.yml

--- - hosts: testdroplets   roles:     - update     - bootstrap_server     - create_new_user     - vimserver 

Would a template work here in this case? Couldn't find much from these SO questions

like image 794
Tasdik Rahman Avatar asked Mar 19 '17 07:03

Tasdik Rahman

People also ask

How do you pass variables in Ansible roles?

The easiest way to pass Pass Variables value to Ansible Playbook in the command line is using the extra variables parameter of the “ansible-playbook” command. This is very useful to combine your Ansible Playbook with some pre-existent automation or script.

How do you pass multiple variables in Ansible?

To solve this issue, we can use the Ansible extra vars feature. We can define a variable representing the hosts' group and specify its value when running the playbook. Now that we have an example playbook as above, we can pass the value to the “group” variable using the –extra-vars option while running the playbook.

2 Answers

I got it working by doing a

--- - hosts: testdroplets   roles:     - update     - bootstrap_server     - role: create_new_user       username: username     - role: vimserver       username: username 

on play.yml

Although would love to see a different approach then this

Docs: http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/playbooks_roles.html#roles


I finally settled with a directory structure like

$ tree . ├── README.md ├── ansible.cfg ├── play.yml └── roles     ├── bootstrap_server     │   └── tasks     │       └── main.yml     ├── create_new_user     │   ├── defaults     │   │   └── main.yml     │   └── tasks     │       └── main.yml     ├── update     │   └── tasks     │       └── main.yml     └── vimserver         ├── defaults         │   └── main.yml         ├── files         │   └── vimrc_server         └── tasks             └── main.yml 

Where I am creating a defaults/main.yml file inside the roles where I need the usage of {{username}}

If someone is interested in the code,

  • https://github.com/tasdikrahman/ansible-bootstrap-server
like image 96
Tasdik Rahman Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 00:09

Tasdik Rahman

You should be able to put username in a vars entry in play.yml.

Variables can also be split out into separate files.

Here is an example which shows both options:

- hosts: all   vars:     favcolor: blue   vars_files:     - /vars/external_vars.yml    tasks:    - name: this is just a placeholder     command: /bin/echo foo 


Ansible seems to delight in having different ways to do the same thing, without having either a nice comprehensive reference, or a rationale discussing the full implications of each different approach :). If you didn't remember the above was possible (I'd completely forgotten vars_files), the easiest option to find from the documentation might have been a third way, which is the most sophisticated one.

There's a prominent recommendation for ansible-examples. You can see a group_vars directory, with files which automatically provide values for hosts according to their groups, including the magic all group. The group_vars directory can be placed in the same directory as the playbook.


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sourcejedi Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 00:09
