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Passing seed/Setting seed/ C within R code




I am making C within R codes.

In my C code I am using rand() function to generate random number. The R-ext.pdf says that I have to set a seed using the commands;


Although I am using these commands above, I am still getting different values for the same seed. Could you give me any help?

The minimum example is:

In C:

# include <R.h>
# include <Rinternals.h>
# include <Rmath.h>
# include <R_ext/Linpack.h> 

 SEXP example(){

   SEXP output;
   PROTECT(output = allocVector(INTSXP, 1));
   INTEGER(output)[0] = rand() % 50;

In R:

## The following codes return different values at ever run 

Thanks in advance.

like image 383
FairyOnIce Avatar asked Dec 29 '12 04:12


1 Answers

That is a logic error in your thinking -- you correctly set the seed, initialize the R RNG from code ... but then call the system RNG instead of the R RNG.

Replace rand() with unif_rand() (or norm_rand()) and you should be set.

Rcpp makes all this easier and gives you vectorised access to draws from the various distribution function (but you can of course do all this by hand too in C if you prefer).

By using cppFunction() from Rcpp, we now also take care of RNGScope which in turn provides GetRNGstate() / PutRNGstate() (while older examples still show instantiation of RNGScope; adding it does no harm as it does an equivalent of reference counting).

So it really is a one-liner to define, auto-extend, compile, and load this:

R> cppFunction("double myrand() { return norm_rand(); }")
R> for (i in 1:5) { set.seed(42); cat(i, " -- ", myrand(), "\n") }
1  --  1.37096 
2  --  1.37096 
3  --  1.37096 
4  --  1.37096 
5  --  1.37096 

whereas without the re-seeding we get

R> for (i in 1:5) { cat(i, " -- ", myrand(), "\n") }
1  --  -0.564698 
2  --  0.363128 
3  --  0.632863 
4  --  0.404268 
5  --  -0.106125 

Lastly, if you really want you can of course continue to use rand() (but see the literature on its sucky performance) but then use its seeding function instead rather than R's.

like image 72
Dirk Eddelbuettel Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 16:09

Dirk Eddelbuettel