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Passing request context implicitly in an actor system

I would like to propagate a request context implicitly in a system of collaborating actors.

To simplify and present the situation, my system has multiple actors and the messages passed to these actors need to include this RequestContext object.

ActorA receives messages of type MessageA ActorB receives messages of type MessageB

when ActorA needs to send a message to ActorB, as part of the handling of MessageA, it performs business logic, and then constructs a MessageB from results of the logic as well as the RequestContext available in MessageA and then sends it to ActorB

def handle(ma:MessageA) {
 val intermediateResult = businessLogic(ma)
 actorB ! MessageB(intermediateResult, ma.requestContext)

We have a slew of messages to be handled, and explicitly passing around the requestContext is cumbersome.

I am trying of creative ways to use Scala's implicits feature to avoid explicitly injecting the RequestContext embedded within incoming message into the outgoing message.

The messages are case classes (and they need to be). I have read about implicits rules but bringing an attribute of an object into current implicit scope appears far-fetched.

This, I am sure should be a common requirement. Any suggestions ?


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vishr Avatar asked Apr 06 '13 15:04


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2 Answers

In my opinion, the easiest way is to make your val implicit in the case class.

case class MessageA(req: RequestA)(implicit val ctx: RequestContext)

case class MessageB(req: RequestB)(implicit val ctx: RequestContext)

def businessLogic(req:RequestA):RequestB

def handle(ma: MessageA): Unit = {
  // import all the members of ma so that there is a legal implicit RequestContext in scope
  import ma._
  val intermediateResult = businessLogic(req)
  actorB ! MessageB(intermediateResult)
like image 154
Edmondo1984 Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11


In your example your handling of the message in question is factored out into a method already, which makes this straight-forward:

trait RequestContext

case class MessageA(req: RequestA, ctx: RequestContext)
object MessageA {
  def apply(req: RequestA)(implicit ctx: RequestContext) = MessageA(req, ctx)

case class MessageB(req: RequestB, ctx: RequestContext)
object MessageB {
  def apply(req: RequestB)(implicit ctx: RequestContext) = MessageB(req, ctx)

class Example extends Actor {

  def receive = {
    case MessageA(req, ctx) => handle(req)(ctx)

  def handle(req: RequestA)(implicit ctx: RequestContext): Unit = {
    val intermediateResult = businessLogic(req) // could take implicit ctx as well
    actorB ! MessageB(intermediateResult)

But as you can see there is still some overhead when declaring the message types, and the handle method’s signature also needs to be altered. Whether this scheme is worth it depends on the ratio between consumers and producers of these implicit values (i.e. if more than one thing in handle uses the context it makes more sense).

A variation of the above could be:

case class MessageA(req: RequestA, ctx: RequestContext)
object MessageA {
  def apply(req: RequestA)(implicit ctx: RequestContext) = MessageA(req, ctx)
  implicit def toContext(implicit msg: MessageA) = msg.ctx

case class MessageB(req: RequestB, ctx: RequestContext)
object MessageB {
  def apply(req: RequestB)(implicit ctx: RequestContext) = MessageB(req, ctx)
  implicit def toContext(implicit msg: MessageB) = msg.ctx

def handle(implicit ma: MessageA): Unit = {
  val intermediateResult = businessLogic(req)
  actorB ! MessageB(intermediateResult)
like image 32
Roland Kuhn Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11

Roland Kuhn