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Passing references to Activity Intent

For quite some time I've had troubles passing variables from one Activity to another, and I've usually had to resolve to some pretty ugly Static-class-hacks to make it work.

Generally something along the lines of a static method that I call with the type of the Activity, along with the variables the Activity requires. These gets stored in a static variable, and retrieved in the constructor of said activity.

Like I said, pretty ugly. And there's no such thing as "myActivity.StartActivity(new Activity);". All of the overloads for StartActivity takes either an Intent, or a typeof(MyOtherActivity).

So my question is, have I completely misunderstood the concept of Activities, or am I simply missing a completely obvious way to pass arguments to them?

@Edit: The reason I want to pass an actual reference to an object, instead of simply a copy of the object, is because I'm trying to pass a View Model from an overlying Activity, down to the new Activity. And of course any changes made to this view model, should be reflected on the parent activity, which will only be possible if the the two activy's viewmodels points to the same instance.

I'm writing the app using Xamarin.Android, but the code is nearly identical between C# and Java, so answers in either those languages is fine.

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Falgantil Avatar asked Mar 15 '23 10:03


1 Answers

The problem is that Android can kill the process hosting your app at any time (if it is in the background). When the user then returns to your app, Android will create a new process to host your app and will recreate the Activity at the top of the stack. In order to do this, Android keeps a "serialized" version of the Intent so that it can recreate the Intent to pass it to the Activity. This is why all "extras" in an Intent need to be Parcelable or Serializable.

This is also why you cannot pass a reference to an object. When Android recreates the process, none of these objects will exist anymore.

Another point to consider is that different activities may run in different processes. Even activities from the same application may be in different processes (if the manifest specifies this). Since object references don't work across process boundaries, this is another reason why you cannot pass a reference to an object in an Intent.

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David Wasser Avatar answered Mar 20 '23 09:03

David Wasser