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passing POST array to php function



Can i pass the entire POST array into a function and handle it within the function?

such as


function PostInfo($_POST){
    $item1 = $_POST[0];
    $item2 = $_POST[1];
    $item3 = $_POST[2];
        //do something
return $result;


or is this the correct way of doing this?

like image 477
mrpatg Avatar asked Nov 02 '09 12:11


2 Answers

Yes. If you are going to name the local variable $_POST though, don't bother. $_POST is a 'superglobal', a global that doesn't require the global keyword to use it outside normal scope. Your above function would work without the parameter on it.

NOTE You cannot use any superglobal (i.e. $_POST) as a function argument in PHP 5.4 or later. It will generate a Fatal error

like image 63
Matthew Scharley Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 21:10

Matthew Scharley

You can actually pass $_POST to any function which takes in an array.

function process(array $request)



Great for testing.

like image 25
Extrakun Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 22:10
