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Passing pointers from unmanaged code

I have a C# project that imports a C dll, the dll has this function:

int primary_read_serial(int handle, int *return_code, int *serial, int length);

I want to get access to the serial parameter. I've actually got it to return one character of the serial parameter, but I'm not really sure what I'm doing and would like to understand what is going, and of course get it working.

So, I'm very sure that the dll is being accessed, other functions without pointers work fine. How do I handle pointers? Do I have to marshal it? Maybe I have to have a fixed place to put the data it?

An explanation would be great.

Thanks! Richard

like image 541
Richard Avatar asked May 07 '09 14:05


1 Answers

You will have to use an IntPtr and Marshal that IntPtr into whatever C# structure you want to put it in. In your case you will have to marshal it to an int[].

This is done in several steps:

  • Allocate an unmanaged handle
  • Call the function with the unamanged array
  • Convert the array to managed byte array
  • Convert byte array to int array
  • Release unmanaged handle

That code should give you an idea:

// The import declaration
public static extern int primary_read_serial(int, ref int, IntPtr, int) ;

// Allocate unmanaged buffer
IntPtr serial_ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(length * sizeof(int));

    // Call unmanaged function
    int return_code;
    int result = primary_read_serial(handle, ref return_code, serial_ptr, length);

    // Safely marshal unmanaged buffer to byte[]
    byte[] bytes = new byte[length * sizeof(int)];
    Marshal.Copy(serial_ptr, bytes, 0, length);

    // Converter to int[]
    int[] ints = new int[length];
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
        ints[i] = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, i * sizeof(int));


Don't forget the try-finally, or you will risk leaking the unmanaged handle.

like image 95
Coincoin Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 05:10
