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Passing in Async functions to Node.js Express.js router

This seems like a straightforward google, but I can't seem to find the answer...

Can you pass in ES6 ES7 async functions to the Express router?


var express = require('express'); var app = express();  app.get('/', async function(req, res){   // some await stuff   res.send('hello world'); }); 

If not, can you point me in the right direction on how to handle this problem ES7 style? Or do I just have to use promises?


like image 334
ForgetfulFellow Avatar asked Jun 28 '17 22:06


People also ask

Is Express Router async?

For some time NodeJS has supported the async / await syntax, allowing you to avoid the many issues with Promises and Generators . However, out of the box, Express doesn't handle async route controllers very well.

Can you use async await in Express?

To use async/await, you need to use the async keyword when you define a request handler. (Note: These request handlers are also called “controllers”. I prefer calling them request handlers because “request handlers” is more explicit). Once you have the async keyword, you can await something immediately in your code.

How do you write async await function in NodeJS?

function asyncThing (value) { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => resolve(value), 100); }); } async function main () { return [1,2,3,4]. reduce(async (acc, value) => { return await acc + await asyncThing(value); }, Promise. resolve(0)); } main() . then(v => console.

Can Express middleware be async?

In closing, utilizing async / await as your Express middleware implementation helps keep your code reusable, readable, and up-to-date with current coding conventions.

2 Answers

May be you didn't found results because async/await is an ES7 not ES6 feature, it is available in node >= 7.6.

Your code will work in node. I have tested the following code

var express = require('express'); var app = express();  async function wait (ms) {   return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {     setTimeout(resolve, ms)   }); }  app.get('/', async function(req, res){   console.log('before wait', new Date());   await wait(5 * 1000);   console.log('after wait', new Date())   res.send('hello world'); });  app.listen(3000, err => console.log(err ? "Error listening" : "Listening")) 

And voila

MacJamal:messialltimegoals dev$ node test.js  Listening undefined before wait 2017-06-28T22:32:34.829Z after wait 2017-06-28T22:32:39.852Z ^C 

Basicaly you got it, you have to async a function in order to await on a promise inside its code. This is not supported in node LTS v6, so may be use babel to transpile code. Hope this helps.

like image 167
JBoulhous Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 07:09



Since ExpressJs 5, async functions are supported, and throw errors as expected

Starting with Express 5, route handlers and middleware that return a Promise will call next(value) automatically when they reject or throw an error

In Express 4 or less, it sort of works, but not really

While it seems to work, it stops handling errors thrown inside the async function, and as a result, if an error is not handled, the server never responds and the client keeps waiting until it timeout.

The correct behavior should be to respond with a 500 status code.



const router = require('express-promise-router')();  // Use it like a normal router, it will handle async functions 


const asyncify = require('express-asyncify') 

To fix routes set in the app object

Replace var app = express(); with

var app = asyncify(express()); 

To fix routes set in router objects

Replace var router = express.Router(); with

var router = asyncify(express.Router()); 


You only need to apply the asyncify function in the objects where you set the routes directly


like image 41
Madacol Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 07:09
