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Passing directory path as parameter in R



I have a simple function in R that runs summary() via lapply() on many CSVs from one directory that I specify. The function is shown below:

#   id -- the file name (i.e. 001.csv) so ID == 001. 
#   directory -- location of the CSV files (not my working directory)
#   summarize -- boolean val if summary of the CSV to be output to console. 
getMonitor <- function(id, dir, summarize = FALSE) 
    fl <- list.files(dir, pattern = "*.csv", full.names = FALSE)

    fdl <- lapply(fl, read.csv)

    dataSummary <- lapply(fdl, summary)

    if(summarize == TRUE)
    { dataSummary[[id]] }

When I try to specify the directory and then pass it as a parameter to the function like so:

dir <- "C:\\Users\\ST\\My Documents\\R\\specdata"
funcVar <-  getMonitor("001", dir, FALSE)

I receive the error:

Error in file(file, "rt") : cannot open the connection. In addition: Warning message: In file(file, "rt") : cannot open file '001.csv': No such file or directory

Yet when I run the code below on its own:

fl <- list.files("C:\\Users\\ST\\My Documents\\R\\specdata", 
                  pattern = "*.csv", 
                  full.names = FALSE)

It find the directory I'm pointing to and fl[1] correctly outputs [1] "001.csv" which is the first file listed.

My question is what am I doing wrong when trying to pass this path variable as a parameter to my function. Is R incapable of handling a parameter this way? Is there something I'm just completely missing? I've tried searching around and am familiar with other programming languages so, frankly, I feel kind of stupid/defeated for getting stuck on this right now.

like image 761
Stephen Tetreault Avatar asked Jan 24 '13 18:01

Stephen Tetreault

People also ask

How do I pass a file path in R?

The correct pattern would be '\\. csv$' . What you have now says "match zero or more of the empty character, followed by any character and the letters csv," which would match a lot more than just files ending in '. csv'.

What is relative path in R?

Relative file paths. When R starts a session, it has a location to look for other files. This path is called the current working directory, and this is often shortened to the working directory. Relative paths in a program are specified as starting at the current working directory.

Where is the working directory in R?

The current working directory is displayed by the RStudio IDE within the title region of the Console pane. You can also check your current working directory by running the command getwd() in the console. There are a number of ways to change the current working directory: Use the setwd R function.

1 Answers

You're passing fl[1] directly to read.csv with the qualifying path. If, instead, you use full.names=TRUE you'll get the full path and your read.csv step will work properly. However, you'll have to do a little munge to make your if statement function again.

You could also expand on your lapply function to paste the directory and file name together:

fdl <- lapply(fl, function(x) read.csv(paste(dir, x, sep='\\')))

Or create this pasted full path in a separate line:

fl.qualified <- paste(dir, fl, sep='\\')
fdl <- lapply(fl.qualified, read.csv)

When you do the paste step, if you want to be really explicit, I would encourage a regex to make sure you don't have someone passing a directory with a trailing slash:

fl.qualified <- paste(gsub('\\\\$', '', dir), f1, sep='\')

or something along those lines.

like image 69
Justin Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 20:10
