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Passing date to request param in Spring MVC

I am new to Spring MVC - and I am trying to pass a date from my javascript as a request Param

My controller looks something like -

public @ResponseBody List<RecordDisplay> getRecords(             @RequestParam(value="userID") Long userID,             @RequestParam(value="fromDate") Date fromDate,             @RequestParam(value="toDate") Date toDate) { 

The question I have is how do I make the call from javascript - as in what should the URL look like

for eg. - /getRecords?userID=1&fromDate=06022013&toDate=08022013' 

Do I need a way to parse the date so Spring can recognize it?

like image 212
user1755645 Avatar asked Feb 08 '13 06:02


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1 Answers

Use @DateTimeFormat("MMddyyyy")

public @ResponseBody List<RecordDisplay> getRecords( @RequestParam(value="userID")  Long userID, @RequestParam(value="fromDate")     @DateTimeFormat(pattern="MMddyyyy") Date fromDate, @RequestParam(value="toDate")     @DateTimeFormat(pattern="MMddyyyy") Date toDate) { 
like image 150
Sudhakar Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 10:09
