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Passing data between tab viewed controllers in swift?


What it does

  1. When the first page in my tab bar controller loads, I retrieve data from a json file
  2. I store it in an array (in the first view controller)
  3. The data obtained will be displayed in the second view controller. The data is already loaded and stored in an array in the first view controller.


I can't figure out a way to pass the data between the two view controllers. Can't pass data based on the segue identifier since it is a tab bar controller

Please help!

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0to1000 Avatar asked Dec 25 '14 23:12


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It is now upgraded to Swift 1.2. Most places where I downcasted from tabBarController with as is now as! Excellent! I’ve been working with a tab bar controller with 3 tabs and was using global variables to store some default settings and such, but knew there must be a better way and this is it. So thank you for laying it out very clearly. :)

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1 Answers

If you need to pass the data between view controllers then :

var secondTab = self.tabBarController?.viewControllers[1] as SecondViewController secondTab.array = firstArray  
like image 85
H. Serdar Çınar Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 22:10

H. Serdar Çınar