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Passing array of strings to a GraphQL query, convers to integers when embedded

I'm trying to figure out a way to pass an array of strings and embed it into a query (using React, GraphQL). The problem is it accepts the parameter as an array of strings, but converts it to a string when I embed it.

Let's say I have this function that makes a call to get some data. (I hardcoded the argument for now but it will be a variable as soon as I figure this out).

// here I'm calling the function

 const query = getData.generate(["123", "456"]);
        return GraphqlClient.query(query)
        .then((e) => {
            return e.data.oneAppProviders;
        }) .......

// and here is the query with the embedded parameter. (Backend expects an array of strings.)

export default {
generate(id) {
// console.log(id)        // output: ["123", "456"]
    return { query : gql`{
        oneAppProviders(id: ${id}) {

When I run it, I get this error:

GraphQLError {message: "Syntax Error: Expected Name, found Int "456""

I guess, when I embed it, it converts it to integers... If my array is ["123"], I get the following error:

[GraphQL error]: Message: Expected type [String], found 123.

I hope the question is clear enough. Thanks in advance.

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Elena Avatar asked Aug 16 '18 21:08


People also ask

How do you pass multiple arguments in GraphQL query?

Multiple arguments can be used together in the same query. For example, you can use the where argument to filter the results and then use the order_by argument to sort them.

Video Answer

3 Answers

A simple solution to your problem is as follows:

let myarray = ["string1", "string2", "String3"];
let dataToSend = myarray.toString();
let gql`
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Sohail Arif Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 10:10

Sohail Arif

Maybe this helps someone:

export const UserFlagsQuery = gql`
  query($flags: [String!]!) {
    user {
      flags(where: { AND: [{ name_in: $flags }, { enabled: true }] }) {

Use this query in a React Query component like this:

    flags: ["flag1", "flag2", "..."],

Thanks to @David Maze answer.

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Gus Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 12:10


As a general rule you should avoid embedding data into query language strings like this. (What if the id variable is actually a string containing parentheses and curly braces? https://xkcd.com/327 is a more famous, if fictional, example of the potential problems you're facing.)

GraphQL supports top-level query parameters and you should use those here. If you make your query like

query Providers($ids: [ID!]!) {
    oneAppProviders(id: $ids) {

most query libraries have a way to pass in additional parameters; so in your case that might look like

const query = gql`...`;
const variables = { ids: ids };
GraphqlClient.query(query, variables).then(...);
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David Maze Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 10:10

David Maze