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Passing an optional parameter

I have a PowerShell script CSV2JSON.ps1 with the following code:


$input | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter $FieldSeparator -Header $Header | ConvertTo-JSON

If I call it as .\CSV2JSON.ps1 -FieldSeparator "|" -Header "name|age" it works fine. However, if I drop the optional parameter Header, the ConvertFrom-Csv cmdlet complains that Header cannot be null:

ConvertFrom-Csv : Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Header'.
The argument is null. Supply a non-null argument and try the command again.

I don't want to pass the -Header parameter at all, if it's not provided. Is there a neat way to pass on optional parameters without getting into If statements?

like image 741
Marc Avatar asked Nov 11 '16 13:11


People also ask

What happens if we do not pass any parameter to optional arguments?

If we do not pass any parameter to the optional arguments, then it takes its default value. The default value of an optional parameter is a constant expression. The optional parameters are always defined at the end of the parameter list. Or in other words, the last parameter of the method, constructor, etc. is the optional parameter.

What is the use of optional parameters?

As the name suggests, optional parameters are not mandatory. This helps developers not to pass arguments for some of the method's parameters. Nowadays this is a very common interview question.

How do you make a parameter optional in Python?

We can implement optional parameters by assigning a default value for the parameters. This is the easiest and simple way to make the methods parameter optional. In this way, we just need to define the optional parameter with its default values when we create our methods.

How to make the methods parameter optional in JavaScript?

If anyone wants to add just two numbers, they can invoke the method such as: On the other side if we want to add 10 numbers then we can simply invoke the method: We can implement optional parameters by assigning a default value for the parameters. This is the easiest and simple way to make the methods parameter optional.

3 Answers

I'm surprised no one has suggested splatting the $PSBoundParameters automatic variable.

$PSBoundParameters is a hashtable containing all the parameter arguments that was passed to the command.

Simply rename the $FieldSeparator parameter to $Delimiter and you're good to go. You can provide the FieldSeparator name as a parameter alias if needed:


$input | ConvertFrom-Csv @PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-JSON

If the -Header parameter is omitted when executing the calling function/script, it'll also be omitted from the call to ConvertFrom-Csv

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Mathias R. Jessen Avatar answered Feb 03 '23 15:02

Mathias R. Jessen

Martin Brandl is right, you must use an if, but I would recommend combining it with splatting so that you only make your call once:


$params = @{
    Delimeter = $FieldSeparator
if ($Header) {
    $params.Header = $Header

$input | ConvertFrom-Csv @params | ConvertTo-JSON
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briantist Avatar answered Feb 03 '23 14:02


OK, I have another option based on the feedback from Martin. This works well when the parameter names match:


$params = @{}
$MyInvocation.BoundParameters.Keys | Where {$_} |
    % {$params.Add($_, (Get-Variable $_).Value )}

Import-Csv @params
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Marc Avatar answered Feb 03 '23 15:02
