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Passing additional parameters to the Zend partialLoop View Helper

In a Zend view I can apply a partial template to an iterable element as follows:

$this->partialLoop('template.phtml', $iterable);

However inside the template, only the elements of the $iterable are available, is there another way of passing extra data to the partial?

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Ciaran McNulty Avatar asked Nov 04 '09 10:11

Ciaran McNulty

2 Answers

Later I found (insert in partial):

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Kamil Nowak Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 01:09

Kamil Nowak

Inside the partial, you can access all of your view variables with:


where myVariable is a normal view variable ($this->view->myVariable in the controller or $this->myVariable in the view, which it's actually the same thing). Basically, you retrieve the PartialLoop() object, then the view which called it, and then the variable itself.

This, though, will probably impact performance (and I don't think it's really MVC friendly...) But, hey: it works. :)

An example here: Hardcode.nl == Joris Osterhaus

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Bruno Belotti Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 01:09

Bruno Belotti