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Passing a method down two levels

I'm trying to build a simple little game for fun, but I'm hitting a stump when it comes to passing this method down to its grandchildren. I've found similar topics, but none that answered my question. For this question, I've managed to narrow the code down to what the problem is perceived to be.

The relevant component structure is App.js > Runeboard.js > Rune.js

The Goal: To have Rune.js have an onClick function on each rune that is dynamically produced by whatever is in this.state.usersRunes.

I don't believe there is anything wrong with the function itself, or passing it down as props, because console logging the runes values all succeed when in Runeboard.js, and even in Rune.

This works, but is not dynamic to what is in the this.state.usersRunes array:

      return (
                <span onClick={() => this.props.activateRune(this.props.usersRunes[0])}> {this.props.usersRunes[0]} </span>
                <span onClick={() => this.props.activateRune(this.props.usersRunes[1])}> {this.props.usersRunes[1]} </span>
                <span onClick={() => this.props.activateRune(this.props.usersRunes[2])}> {this.props.usersRunes[2]} </span>
                <span onClick={() => this.props.activateRune(this.props.usersRunes[3])}> {this.props.usersRunes[3]} </span>
                <br />
                <br />

The problem with that, is I'd like for every item in this.state.usersRunes (an array of integers), a Rune component that has its own onClick that successfuly executes activateRune with its parameter of the value of the rune. (The value of the rune being this.state.usersRunes So this.state.usersRunes = [2,3,5,9] the values would be 2, 3, 5, and 9.

So even though the above works, this does not and I do not understand why:

App.js The activateRune function:

    activateRune(rune) {
        if (this.state.inBet || this.state.mustBet) {
        } else if (!this.state.inBet) {
            this.setMessage("You cannot place a rune first!")

App.js render:


Runeboard.js render:

        let rune = this.props.usersRunes.map((rune, i) => {
            console.log(rune) // this works and successfully prints the array's integers
                    <Rune activateRune={this.props.activateRune} 
runeValue={rune} key={i} />


Rune.js render:

        return (
            <div onClick={() => this.props.activateRune(this.props.runeValue)}>
                {this.props.runeValue} // this works and successfully displays the value

How can I resolve this?

like image 860
bananabrann Avatar asked Mar 22 '19 00:03


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1 Answers

I think it might be an issue with your syntax.

<div onClick={() => {this.props.activateRune(rune)}}>

If you use curly braces, {}, you need a return value:

<div onClick={() => {return this.props.activateRune(rune)}}>

You can also avoid the curly braces and have it be:

<div onClick={() => this.props.activateRune(rune)}>

like image 153
shanemacbride Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 00:11
