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Passing a generic procedure to a function as actual argument



I am attempting to pass a generic procedure as an actual argument to a function:

module mymod
implicit none

interface func
  module procedure :: func1
  module procedure :: func2
endinterface func


real function func1(x)
  real,intent(in) :: x
  func1 = 2*x
endfunction func1

real function func2(x,y)
  real,intent(in) :: x
  real,intent(in) :: y
  func2 = 2*x + 3*y
endfunction func2

real function func3(func,x,y)
    real function func(x,y)
      real,intent(in) :: x
      real,intent(in) :: y
    endfunction func
  real,intent(in) :: x
  real,intent(in) :: y
  func3 = func(x,y)
endfunction func3

endmodule mymod

program myprogram
use mymod
implicit none
endprogram myprogram

gfortran 6.2.0 notes that I cannot do this:


Error: GENERIC procedure ‘func’ is not allowed as an actual argument at (1)

Similarly, with ifort 17:

test.f90(39): error #8164: A generic interface name shall not be used as an actual argument.   [FUNC]
test.f90(39): error #6637: When a dummy argument is a function, the corresponding actual argument must also be a function.   [FUNC]
compilation aborted for test.f90 (code 1)

I am reading through the 2008 Standard section on generic interfaces and I cannot find such restriction. I also cannot think of a reason why the compiler would not be able to resolve the generic interface at compile-time. My gut is telling me that this should be doable, but I may not have the right approach. Do you know of a standard-compliant way to do this?

like image 382
milancurcic Avatar asked Sep 22 '16 16:09


1 Answers

No, this is not allowed. Actually, you cannot even pass generic INTRINSIC functions as dummy arguments.

A standard compliant way is to use the right specific functions directly. With INTRINSIC functions you sometimes must write a wrapper for the right kind, when the specific doesn't have a standard name.

For example:

  call integrate(derf,0.,1.)

    function derf(x)
      real(dbl) :: derf
      real(dbl), intent(in) :: x
      derf = erf(x)
    end function

is necessary if you want to pass the double precision real (or any other) version of erf() because there is no specific function available.

like image 131
Vladimir F Героям слава Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 18:09

Vladimir F Героям слава