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Passing a generic function as a parameter




I know that what I'm doing can be done in a different way, but I'm curious about how things work. The following is a simplified code which doesn't compile, but it supposed to show my goal.

private void Execute()
    GeneralizedFunction("1", "2", i => Transform(i));

void GeneralizedFunction(string aStringA, string aStringB, Func<string, T> aAction)
    A result1 = aAction(aStringA);
    B result2 = aAction(aStringB);
    // Do something with A and B here

T Transform<T>(string aString)
    return default(T);

Transform is a generic convertion from string to some object (think deserialization). GeneralizedFunction uses two specializations of transform: one for type A and one for type B. I know I can do this in a number of other ways (say by introducing a parameter for the type of the object), but I'm looking for explanations of whether it is possible or impossible to do this with generics/lambdas. If Transform is specialized before it is passed as a parameter to GeneralizedFunction, then it's impossible. Then the question is why this possibility is restricted.

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Max Avatar asked Feb 23 '12 11:02


3 Answers

This answer doesn't explain the reason why, just how to work around the limitation.

Instead of passing an actual function, you can pass an object that has such a function:

interface IGenericFunc
    TResult Call<TArg,TResult>(TArg arg);

// ... in some class:

void Test(IGenericFunc genericFunc)
    // for example's sake only:
    int x = genericFunc.Call<String, int>("string");
    object y = genericFunc.Call<double, object>(2.3);

For your specific use case, it can be simplified to:

interface IDeserializerFunc
    T Call<T>(string arg);

// ... in some class:
void Test(IDeserializerFunc deserializer)
    int x = deserializer.Call<int>("3");
    double y = deserializer.Call<double>("3.2");
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sinelaw Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 23:10


What you're asking to do isn't possible using generics alone. The compiler needs to generate two typed versions of your Transform function: one to return type A and one for type B. The compiler has no way of knowing to generate this at compile time; only by running the code would it know that A and B are required.

One way to solve it would be to pass in the two versions:

private void Execute()
    GeneralizedFunction("1", "2", i => Transform<A>(i), i => Transform<B>(i));

void GeneralizedFunction(string aStringA, string aStringB, Func<string, A> aAction,  Func<string, B> bAction)
    A result1 = aAction(aStringA);
    B result2 = bAction(aStringB);

The compiler knows exactly what it needs to generate in this case.

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Tim Rogers Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 21:10

Tim Rogers

Try the following signature:

void GeneralizedFunction<T>(string aStringA, string aStringB, Func<string, T> aAction)

(Note that GeneralizedFunction has to be generic; the compiler will automatically guess the type parameter when calling the method).

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Matthias Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 22:10
