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Passing a class as a ref parameter in C# does not always work as expected. Can anyone explain?




I always thought that a method parameter with a class type is passed as a reference parameter by default. Apparently that is not always the case. Consider these unit tests in C# (using MSTest).

[TestClass] public class Sandbox {     private class TestRefClass     {         public int TestInt { get; set; }     }      private void TestDefaultMethod(TestRefClass testClass)     {         testClass.TestInt = 1;     }      private void TestAssignmentMethod(TestRefClass testClass)     {         testClass = new TestRefClass() { TestInt = 1 };     }      private void TestAssignmentRefMethod(ref TestRefClass testClass)     {         testClass = new TestRefClass() { TestInt = 1 };     }      [TestMethod]     public void DefaultTest()     {         var testObj = new TestRefClass() { TestInt = 0 };         TestDefaultMethod(testObj);         Assert.IsTrue(testObj.TestInt == 1);     }      [TestMethod]     public void AssignmentTest()     {         var testObj = new TestRefClass() { TestInt = 0 };         TestAssignmentMethod(testObj);         Assert.IsTrue(testObj.TestInt == 1);     }      [TestMethod]     public void AssignmentRefTest()     {         var testObj = new TestRefClass() { TestInt = 0 };         TestAssignmentRefMethod(ref testObj);         Assert.IsTrue(testObj.TestInt == 1);     } } 

The results are that AssignmentTest() fails and the other two test methods pass. I assume the issue is that assigning a new instance to the testClass parameter breaks the parameter reference, but somehow explicitly adding the ref keyword fixes this.

Can anyone give a good, detailed explanation of whats going on here? I'm mainly just trying to expand my knowledge of C#; I don't have any specific scenario I'm trying to solve...

like image 641
jrizzo Avatar asked Apr 03 '12 15:04


People also ask

How do you pass a class object as a parameter in C#?

C# provides the ref parameter modifier for passing value objects into a method by reference and the out modifier for those cases in which you want to pass in a ref variable without first initializing it. C# also supports the params modifier which allows a method to accept a variable number of parameters.

Is class passed by reference C#?

The thing that is nearly always forgotten is that a class isn't passed by reference, the reference to the class is passed by value. This is important. Instead of copying the entire class (pass by value in the stereotypical sense), the reference to that class (I'm trying to avoid saying "pointer") is copied.

How do you pass an object as a reference parameter?

To pass an object by reference into a method, simply provide as an argument in the method call the variable that refers to the object. Then, in the method body, reference the object using the corresponding parameter name.

How do you pass reference parameters in C#?

Passing by reference enables function members, methods, properties, indexers, operators, and constructors to change the value of the parameters and have that change persist in the calling environment. To pass a parameter by reference with the intent of changing the value, use the ref , or out keyword.

2 Answers

The thing that is nearly always forgotten is that a class isn't passed by reference, the reference to the class is passed by value.

This is important. Instead of copying the entire class (pass by value in the stereotypical sense), the reference to that class (I'm trying to avoid saying "pointer") is copied. This is 4 or 8 bytes; much more palatable than copying the whole class and in effect means the class is passed "by reference".

At this point, the method has it's own copy of the reference to the class. Assignment to that reference is scoped within the method (the method re-assigned only its own copy of the reference).

Dereferencing that reference (as in, talking to class members) would work as you'd expect: you'd see the underlying class unless you change it to look at a new instance (which is what you do in your failing test).

Using the ref keyword is effectively passing the reference itself by reference (pointer to a pointer sort of thing).

As always, Jon Skeet has provided a very well written overview:


Pay attention to the "Reference parameters" part:

Reference parameters don't pass the values of the variables used in the function member invocation - they use the variables themselves.

If the method assigns something to a ref reference, then the caller's copy is also affected (as you have observed) because they are looking at the same reference to an instance in memory (as opposed to each having their own copy).

like image 62
Adam Houldsworth Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 21:10

Adam Houldsworth

The default convention for parameters in C# is pass by value. This is true whether the parameter is a class or struct. In the class case just the reference is passed by value while in the struct case a shallow copy of the entire object is passed.

When you enter the TestAssignmentMethod there are 2 references to a single object: testObj which lives in AssignmentTest and testClass which lives in TestAssignmentMethod. If you were to mutate the actual object via testClass or testObj it would be visible to both references since they both point to the same object. In the first line though you execute

testClass = new TestRefClass() { TestInt = 1 } 

This creates a new object and points testClass to it. This doesn't alter where the testObj reference points in any way because testClass is an independent copy. There are now 2 objects and 2 references which each reference pointing to a different object instance.

If you want pass by reference semantics you need to use a ref parameter.

like image 22
JaredPar Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 20:10
