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Passing a callback function with included parameters? [duplicate]


I have this below code..

function getGrades(grading_company) {      if (grading_company == 'Not Specified') {          // Remove grades box & show condition box         showConditionBox();      } else {          // Set file to get results from..         var loadUrl = "ajax_files/get_grades.php";          // Set data string         var dataString = 'gc_id=' + grading_company;          // Set the callback function to run on success         var callback = showGradesBox;          // Run the AJAX request         runAjax(loadUrl, dataString, callback);        }  }  function runAjax(loadUrl, dataString, callback) {      jQuery.ajax({         type: 'GET',         url: loadUrl,         data: dataString,         dataType: 'html',         error: ajaxError,         success: function(response) {             callback(response);         }     });      } 

Edit: Here is the function that gets called as the callback function:

function showGradesBox(response) {      // Load data into grade field     jQuery('#grade').html(response);      // Hide condition fields     jQuery('#condition').hide();     jQuery('#condition_text').hide();      // Show grade fields     jQuery('#grade_wrapper').show();     jQuery('#grade_text_wrapper').show();      } 

Now if I wanted to pass the grading_company variable to the callback function as a parameter is there a way to do that without having to add it as another parameter in the runAjax call? I'm trying to keep the runAjax function open to other usage so I don't want to pass in any extra parameters; but if it can somehow be included within the callback then great.

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Brett Avatar asked Jan 07 '13 16:01


People also ask

Can callback function have parameters?

Yes. The print( ) function takes another function as a parameter and calls it inside. This is valid in JavaScript and we call it a “callback”. So a function that is passed to another function as a parameter is a callback function.

How do you pass a callback function?

Passing a function to another function or passing a function inside another function is known as a Callback Function. Syntax: function geekOne(z) { alert(z); } function geekTwo(a, callback) { callback(a); } prevfn(2, newfn);

What are the parameters passed to a callback?

In JavaScript, when we pass a function to another function as a parameter, it is called a callback function. The function takes another function as a parameter and calls it inside. A callback function makes sure that a function will not run until the task completes.

How do you pass parameters in callback function in react?

Passing the event object of react as the second argument. If you want to pass a parameter to the click event handler you need to make use of the arrow function or bind the function. If you pass the argument directly the onClick function would be called automatically even before pressing the button.

2 Answers

change your callback to an anonymous function:

// Set the callback function to run on success var callback = function () {     showGradesBox(grading_company); }; 

This allows you to pass parameters to the inner function.

Edit: to allow for the ajax response:

// Set the callback function to run on success var callback = function (response) {     showGradesBox(grading_company, response); }; 
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jbabey Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 02:10


Another possibility is instead of doing dataString do dataObject then pass that object to the callback. Like so:

function getGrades(grading_company) {      if (grading_company == 'Not Specified') {          // Remove grades box & show condition box         showConditionBox();      } else {          // Set file to get results from..         var loadUrl = "ajax_files/get_grades.php";          // Set data object         var dataObject = {             'gc_id' : grading_company             /*to do multiples..             'item1' : value1,              'item2' : value2,              'etc' : etc */         }          // Set the callback function to run on success         var callback = showGradesBox;          // Run the AJAX request         runAjax(loadUrl, dataObject, callback);        }  }  function runAjax(loadUrl, dataObject, callback) {      jQuery.ajax({         type: 'GET',         url: loadUrl,         data: $.param(dataObject),         dataType: 'html',         error: ajaxError,         success: function(response) {             callback(response, dataObject);         }     });      } 

Note the addition of $.param().

Then in the callback function, you should know what data you're after. If function setGrades(resp, data) { ... } was the callback, then you can access the values in setGrades

function setGrades(resp, data) {    alert( data.gc_id); } 


After testing, I realize that $(dataObject).serialize() will not work. So I've updated to use $.param(). Please see this SO post for more info.

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jwatts1980 Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 02:10
