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Pass variables to fragment container in relay modern

I'm using Relay Modern (compat). I have a fragment that contains a field that has one argument, but I can't find a way of passing the variable value from the parent component:

// MyFragmentComponent.jsx

class MyFragmentComponent extends Component {...}

const fragments = {
  employee: graphql`
    fragment MyFragmentComponent_employee on Employee {
      hoursWorked(includeOvertime: $includeOvertime)

export default Relay.createFragmentContainer(MyFragmentComponent, fragments)

It will end up saying $includeOvertime is not defined. The context where this component is being rendered looks like this:

// MyRootComponent.jsx

class MyRootComponent extends Component {
  render() {
    const { employee } = this.props
    const includeOvertime = //... value is available here

    return (
        <MyFragmentComponent employee={employee} />

const query = graphql`
  query MyRootComponentQuery($employeeId: String!) {
    employee(id: $employeeId) {

export default MyUtils.createQueryRenderer(MyRootComponent, query) // this just returns a QueryRenderer

With relay classic you would pass variables this way:

employee(id: $employeeId) {
  ${MyFragmentComponent.getFragment('employee', variables)}

How can I achieve the same with relay modern?

like image 897
Maikel Ruiz Avatar asked Jun 26 '17 05:06

Maikel Ruiz

1 Answers

Using @argumentDefinitions and @arguments directives seems to be the way to go. In relay versions before 1.4.0 graphql.experimental had to be used instead of graphql.

In the fragment definition:

const fragments = {
  employee: graphql`
    fragment MyFragmentComponent_employee on Employee
    @argumentDefinitions(includeOvertime: { type: "Boolean", defaultValue: false }) {
      hoursWorked(includeOvertime: $includeOvertime)

If you want the argument to be required:

@argumentDefinitions(includeOvertime: { type: "Boolean!" })

In the parent component you should specify the arguments for the fragment like this:

const query = graphql`
  query MyRootComponentQuery($employeeId: String!, $includeOvertime: Boolean) {
    employee(id: $employeeId) {
      ...MyFragmentComponent_employee @arguments(includeOvertime: $includeOvertime)

In this page in the official relay docs there is an example of directives for defining/passing arguments.


Since relay version 1.4.0 graphql.experimental was deprecated and now all the features are supported by the regular graphql tag.


In relay version 1.5.0 graphql.experimental was removed.

like image 65
Maikel Ruiz Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 11:09

Maikel Ruiz