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Pass value between component in React Native Navigator


How can I pass data from sceneA to sceneB with Navigator in React Native?

I'm using this to go to sceneB:

    id: "MainPage",
    name: 'mainPage'
like image 489
Kastriot Dreshaj Avatar asked Nov 20 '15 15:11

Kastriot Dreshaj

People also ask

How do you pass data between screens in react native?

React Navigation library is widely used with React Native to implement various types of navigation systems. With the React Navigation, we can also pass values or parameters between screens in React Native. We will create a simple stack navigator with 2 screens and will pass values from one screen to another screen.

1 Answers

You need to set up the passProps property on the navigator. There are a few recent examples on stack overflow, specifically here and here.

  initialRoute={{name: 'Main', component: Main, index: 0}}
  renderScene={(route, navigator) =>    {
    return React.createElement(<YourComponent />, { ...this.props, ...route.passProps, navigator, route } );
  }} />


  initialRoute={{name: 'Main', component: Main, index: 0}}
  renderScene={(route, navigator) => {
      <route.component {...route.passProps} navigator={navigator} route={route} />

If you are looking for the most basic of setups just to understand the functionality, I have set up a project here that you can reference, and pasted the code below.

'use strict';

var React = require('react-native');
var {
  TouchableHighlight, TouchableOpacity
} = React;

class Two extends React.Component {
        <View style={{marginTop:100}}>
          <Text style={{fontSize:20}}>Hello From second component</Text>
          <Text>id: {this.props.id}</Text>
          <Text>name: {this.props.name}</Text>
            <Text>name: {this.props.myVar}</Text>

class Main extends React.Component {
  gotoNext(myVar) {
      component: Two,
      passProps: {
        id: 'page_user_infos',
        name: 'page_user_infos',
        myVar: myVar,

  render() {
      <View style={{flex: 4, flexDirection: 'column', marginTop:100}}>
        <TouchableHighlight style={{ height:40, borderWidth:1, marginBottom:10, backgroundColor: '#ddd'}} name='Pole' onPress={ () => this.gotoNext('This is a property that is being passed') }>
          <Text style={{textAlign:'center'}}>Go to next page</Text>

class App extends React.Component {
  render() {

    return (
          initialRoute={{name: 'Main', component: Main, index: 0}}
          renderScene={(route, navigator) =>    {
            if (route.component) {
                          return React.createElement(route.component, { ...this.props, ...route.passProps, navigator, route } );
            <Navigator.NavigationBar routeMapper={NavigationBarRouteMapper} />
      } />

var NavigationBarRouteMapper = {
  LeftButton(route, navigator, index, navState) {
    if(index > 0) {
      return (
      <TouchableHighlight  style={{marginTop: 10}} onPress={() => {
            if (index > 0) {
 )} else {
 return null}
  RightButton(route, navigator, index, navState) {
    return null;
  Title(route, navigator, index, navState) {
    return null

var styles = StyleSheet.create({


AppRegistry.registerComponent('App', () => App);
like image 99
Nader Dabit Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 22:10

Nader Dabit