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Pass ruby script file to rails console

People also ask

How do I run a Ruby script from the shell?

In this case, it's a Ruby file to be executed with the Ruby interpreter. To mark the file as executable, run the command chmod +x test. rb. This will set a file permission bit indicating that the file is a program and that it can be run.

How do I run a Ruby script from the command line in Windows?

When you open the Command Prompt, you'll be in your home directory (usually C:\Users\yourname). So if your Ruby script is on your desktop, you'd type cd Desktop or C:\Users\yourname\Desktop and press Enter. Type ruby scriptname. rb and press ⏎ Return .

How do I make a Ruby script executable?

You can make the script executable with the following command: chmod +x hello. rb . chmod is a shell command that allows us to change the permissions for a file. The +x specifies that the script should be executable.

Actually, the simplest way is to run it with load inside the rails console

 load './path/to/foo.rb'

You can use

bundle exec rails runner "eval(File.read 'your_script.rb')"


What we also have been using a lot lately is to load the rails environment from within the script itself. Consider doit.rb:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require "/path/to/rails_app/config/environment"

# ... do your stuff

This also works if the script or the current working directory are not within the rails app's directory.

In the meantime, this solution has been supported.


Much simpler now.

script/console --irb=pry < test.rb > test.log

simple, dirty, and block the process at the end, but it does the job exactly like I wanted.