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Pass multiple variables in helm template

Is there a way to pass multiple variables in template or a function using include? In my case I iterate over a list of items, but in the template I also need the .Release.Name variable.

Is there a way to add to $client the .Release.Name? I tried something like {{ $client.Name := .Release.Name }}, but it throws an error..

I have the following template:

{{- range $client := .Values.global.clients }}
{{- with $ }}
search.service-{{ $client.clientId }}.cfg: |
{{ include "rest-api.search" $client | indent 4}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}

The rest-api.search function:

{{- define "rest-api.search" -}}
client.id={{ .clientId }}
id={{ .clientId }}
uri=http://{{ .Release.Name }}:11666/{index}/ws/{configuration}
# Index mapping
# authorization scheme

{{- end -}}

I appreciate your help. Thanks

like image 240
aphex Avatar asked Mar 11 '20 13:03


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1 Answers

You can pass client object alongside release object in a dict


    - name: test
      clientId: test-123


{{- range $client := .Values.global.clients }}
{{$data := dict "client" $client "release" $.Release }}
search.service-{{ .clientId }}.cfg: |
{{ include "mychart.search" $data | indent 4}}
{{- end}}


{{- define "mychart.search" -}}
client.id={{ .client.clientId }}
id={{ .client.clientId }}
uri=http://{{ .release.Name }}:11666/{index}/ws/{configuration}
{{- end -}}
like image 153
edbighead Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 03:10
