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Pass method as parameter in Groovy

Is there a way to pass a method as a parameter in Groovy without wrapping it in a closure? It seems to work with functions, but not methods. For instance, given the following:

def foo(Closure c) {     c(arg1: "baz", arg2:"qux") }  def bar(Map args) {     println('arg1: ' + args['arg1'])     println('arg2: ' + args['arg2']) } 

This works:


But if bar is a method in a class:

class Quux {      def foo(Closure c) {         c(arg1: "baz", arg2:"qux")     }      def bar(Map args) {         println('arg1: ' + args['arg1'])         println('arg2: ' + args['arg2'])     }      def quuux() {        foo(bar)     } }   new Quux().quuux() 

It fails with No such property: bar for class: Quux.

If I change the method to wrap bar in a closure, it works, but seems unnecessarily verbose:

    def quuux() {        foo({ args -> bar(args) })     } 

Is there a cleaner way?

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David Moles Avatar asked Mar 05 '13 18:03

David Moles

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1 Answers

.& operator to the rescue!

class Quux {      def foo(Closure c) {         c(arg1: "baz", arg2:"qux")     }      def bar(Map args) {         println('arg1: ' + args['arg1'])         println('arg2: ' + args['arg2'])     }      def quuux() {        foo(this.&bar)     } }   new Quux().quuux() // arg1: baz // arg2: qux 

In general, obj.&method will return a bound method, i.e. a closure that calls method on obj.

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epidemian Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 01:10
