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Pass data from jQuery to PHP for an ajax post

Hello I am a newbie working with jQuery and Ajax. I am trying submit data to the server using Jquery POST method. And the data that I am passing is a string. Now I am unable to understand how do I pass the data and how do I retrieve the data. I have tried searching for articles for my problem, but I have found none. I believe my problem is very basic.

if (1)//validateStep(step)
var data = document.getElementById('hiddenContact').value;
$.post('/callcenter/admin/postContacts', data);

Now I'll post the code for my postContacts action, which isn't a big thing.

function postContacts()
$this->autoRender = false;
echo '<script>console.log("post contacts");</script>';

But I am confused as to how the data has to be retrieved. Any help is appreciated. I am using cakePHP, so I have had to use autoRender=false; which makes the view optional.

like image 241
macha Avatar asked Nov 17 '10 22:11


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2 Answers

With jQuery post you can define a callback function which is executed when the data is returned:

$.post('/callcenter/admin/postContacts', data, function(returnedData) {
    // do something here with the returnedData

The data should be in the form:

{name: 'value', anotherName: 'another value'}

which equates to the post names on the PHP end accessible in plain PHP like this:

echo $_POST['name'];           # prints "value"
echo $_POST['anotherName'];    # print "another value"
like image 132
Marcus Whybrow Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 16:09

Marcus Whybrow

The data param is supposed to be an object that has keys and values.

var data = {
    hiddenContact: document.getElementById('hiddenContact').value
$.post('/callcenter/admin/postContacts', data);

Then in PHP you can retrieve it like this:

$hiddenContact = $_POST["hiddenContact"];

I'm not a big CakePHP user but I believe the CakePHP version is like this:

$hiddenContact = $this->params["hiddenContact"];
like image 37
mike Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 16:09
