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Pass command line arguments to JUnit test case being run programmatically

I am attempting to run a JUnit Test from a Java Class with:

    JUnitCore core = new JUnitCore();     core.addListener(new RunListener());     core.run(classToRun); 

Problem is my JUnit test requires a database connection that is currently hardcoded in the JUnit test itself.

What I am looking for is a way to run the JUnit test programmatically(above) but pass a database connection to it that I create in my Java Class that runs the test, and not hardcoded within the JUnit class.

Basically something like

    JUnitCore core = new JUnitCore();     core.addListener(new RunListener());     core.addParameters(java.sql.Connection);     core.run(classToRun); 

Then within the classToRun:

@Test Public void Test1(Connection dbConnection){     Statement st = dbConnection.createStatement();     ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("select total from dual");     rs.next();     String myTotal = rs.getString("TOTAL");     //btw my tests are selenium testcases:)     selenium.isTextPresent(myTotal); } 

I know about The @Parameters, but it doesn't seem applicable here as it is more for running the same test case multiple times with differing values. I want all of my test cases to share a database connection that I pass in through a configuration file to my java client that then runs those test cases (also passed in through the configuration file).

Is this possible?

P.S. I understand this seems like an odd way of doing things.

like image 389
Nick Vallely Avatar asked May 21 '10 17:05

Nick Vallely

People also ask

How do you pass command line arguments in JUnit?

You don't need to pass command line parameters to your JUnit execution. Instead your test methods should build/prepare everything and call your new myClass(...) constructor with the parameters your original program would do when using command line parameters.

Is it possible to pass command line arguments to a test execution in JUnit?

Yes, We can pass command line arguments to a test execution by using -D JVM command-line options as shown below.

Is it possible to pass command line arguments to a test?

It is possible to pass custom command line arguments to the test module.

1 Answers

You can use java system properties to achieve this.

Simply pass what you need with -Dconnectionstring=foobar in the junit command line, or use the java api for system properties to set this programmatically, with System.setProperty(String name, String value), and System.getProperty(String name).

In your tests, you can use the @Before or @BeforeClass to set up common objects based on this property, pending on whether you want to run the setup once for each test (in which case you can use class members) or once for each suite (and then use static members).

You can even factorize this behavior by using an abstract class which all your test cases extends.

like image 54
tonio Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 20:10
