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Pass command line -- argument to child script in Yarn


I have a package.json that looks similar to this:

"scripts": {     "dev": "cross-env BABEL_ENV=client webpack --config webpack/client.development.js && yarn dev:stub-server | cross-env BABEL_ENV=server babel-node src/server/server.js",     "dev:stub-server": "./node_modules/.bin/robohydra ./stubs/robohydra-config.json -p 3100" } 

I added some logic in the code to change the way the dev:stub-server is configured depending on a command line argument. So, whenever I run the following I get what I expect:

yarn dev:stub-server --results=4 $ ./node_modules/.bin/robohydra ./stubs/robohydra-config.json -p 3100 -- --results=4 

As you can see, the options are forwarded to the underlying script and everything works as expected.

My problem is that I cannot have the --results propagated from the yarn dev command to dev:stub-server in the correct position. The parent script runs dev:stub-server but the argument is forwarded to the underlying script at the end as follows:

yarn dev --results=2 $ cross-env BABEL_ENV=client webpack --config webpack/client.development.js && yarn dev:stub-server | cross-env BABEL_ENV=server babel-node src/server/server.js --results=2 

Is there a way to make the above work as follows instead?

yarn dev --results=2 $ cross-env BABEL_ENV=client webpack --config webpack/client.development.js && yarn dev:stub-server --results=2 | cross-env BABEL_ENV=server babel-node src/server/server.js 

Thanks in advance!

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Luciano M. L. Avatar asked Jun 13 '18 10:06

Luciano M. L.

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1 Answers

On mac I am using:

"scripts": {   "benchmark": "sh -c 'ng run ${0}:benchmark'", } 

Which I then call yarn benchmark editor where editor is my parameter.

like image 189
Philippe Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09
