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Pass by value in R




When trying to call grid.arrange to put multiple plots on a same ggplot2 graph, I first build a list of the plots I want. Then I build the corresponding argument list to call grid.arrange, as was explained in a previous question. This is my code (my dataframe is called manip):

args.list <- NULL;
plot.list <- NULL;
for (m in names(manip[2:10])) {
  plot.list <- c(plot.list, list(qplot(manip$side, y=manip[,m],ylab=m))
args.list <- c(plot.list, 1, 9)
names(args.list) <- c(names(manip)[2:10], list("nrow","ncol"))
do.call(grid.arrange, args.list)

This works, except that the 9 graphs are exactly the same! After checking, it turns out that the data is always the one corresponding to m=10. So my guess was that the value of m is not assigned in the loop, but evaluated later. However, the label ylab=m is assigned correctly and is different for all the graphs.

So I don't really get what the difference is and how the interpreter chooses when to evaluate m for the plots. Can someone explain?

like image 243
seb Avatar asked Aug 12 '11 14:08


2 Answers

The behavior is due to the lazy evaluation of R.

Here is a minimal(?) example:

d <- 1:3

args.list <- NULL;
plot.list <- NULL;
for (m in 1:3) {
 plot.list <- c(plot.list, list(qplot(d[m], d[m], ylab=letters[m])))

args.list <- c(plot.list, nrow=1, ncol=3)
do.call(grid.arrange, args.list)

in this case, d[m] is evaluated at the call of do.call. so m is 3 for all panel.

here is a workaround:

d <- 1:3

args.list <- NULL;
plot.list <- NULL;
for (m in 1:3) {
  plot.list <- c(plot.list,
    list(qplot(d, d, data=data.frame(d=d[m]), ylab=letters[m])))

args.list <- c(plot.list, nrow=1, ncol=3)
do.call(grid.arrange, args.list)

in this case, d[m] is evaluated at the call of qplot, and the d[m] is stored in the output object of qplot.

so, the simple solution is to pass data to qplot() or ggplot().

like image 70
kohske Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 10:10


I will first answer your question and then show an alternative using a facet plot.


The following, much simplified, code seems to work:

manip <- mtcars
plot.list <- lapply(2:11, 
                    function(x)qplot(manip$mpg, y=manip[, x], 
do.call(grid.arrange, c(plot.list, nrow=10))

It produces this ugly plot: enter image description here

Without knowing your objectives, it is dangerous to try and give advice, I know. Nonetheless, have you considered using facets for your plot instead?

The following code is much simpler, executes quiker and produces a graph that is easier to interpret:

manip <- mtcars
mmanip <- melt(manip, id.vars="mpg")
ggplot(mmanip, aes(x=mpg, y=value)) + 
    geom_point(stat="identity") + 
    facet_grid(.~variable, scales="free")

enter image description here

like image 38
Andrie Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 09:10
