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Pass by Value in C#

How can I pass an object of a "MyClass" (C#) by Parameter-by-Value to a method? example:

MyClass obj = new MyClass();
MyClass.DontModify(obj); //Only use it!


public static void DontModify(MyClass a)
    a.SomeIntProperty+= 100;// Do something more meaningful here
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ViV Avatar asked Jun 21 '12 16:06


People also ask

What is pass by reference and pass by value in C?

"Passing by value" means that you pass the actual value of the variable into the function. So, in your example, it would pass the value 9. "Passing by reference" means that you pass the variable itself into the function (not just the value). So, in your example, it would pass an integer object with the value of 9.

What means pass by value?

By definition, pass by value means you are making a copy in memory of the actual parameter's value that is passed in, a copy of the contents of the actual parameter. Use pass by value when when you are only "using" the parameter for some computation, not changing it for the client program.

What is pass by reference in C?

Passing by by reference refers to a method of passing the address of an argument in the calling function to a corresponding parameter in the called function. In C, the corresponding parameter in the called function must be declared as a pointer type.

Are pointers pass by value in C?

Yes to both. Pointers are passed by value as anything else. That means the contents of the pointer variable (the address of the object pointed to) is copied.

4 Answers

By default object types are passed by value in C#. But when you pass a object reference to a method, modifications in the object are persisted. If you want your object to be inmutable, you need to clone it.

In oder to do it, implement the ICloneable interface in your class. Here is a mock example of how to use ICloneable:

public class MyClass : ICloneable
  private int myValue;

  public MyClass(int val)
     myValue = val;

  public void object Clone()
     return new MyClass(myValue);
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Daniel Peñalba Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 06:10

Daniel Peñalba

By default, it is passed by value. However, you're passing the object reference by value, which means you can still edit values within the object.

In order to prevent the object from being able to change at all, you would need to actually clone the object prior to passing it into your method. This would require you to implement some method of creating a new instance that is a copy of your original object, and then passing in the copy.

like image 39
Reed Copsey Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 07:10

Reed Copsey

public static void DontModify(MyClass a)
    MyClass clone = (MyClass)a.Clone();
    clone.SomeIntProperty+= 100;// Do something more meaningful here
like image 5
MusiGenesis Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 05:10


You could create a Clone method on your object to pass the return value to your method. C# cannot pass reference types by value so this might be a good alternative.

public MyClass CreateClone()
    return new MyClass() { SomeIntProperty = this.SomeIntProperty };
like image 4
Dan Lister Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 06:10

Dan Lister