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Pass a typed function as a parameter in Dart

I know the Function class can be passed as a parameter to another function, like this:

void doSomething(Function f) {     f(123); } 

But is there a way to constrain the arguments and the return type of the function parameter?

For instance, in this case f is being invoked directly on an integer, but what if it was a function accepting a different type?

I tried passing it as a Function<Integer>, but Function is not a parametric type.

Is there any other way to specify the signature of the function being passed as a parameter?

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Raibaz Avatar asked Apr 11 '17 00:04


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2 Answers

Dart v1.23 added a new syntax for writing function types which also works in-line.

void doSomething(Function(int) f) {   f(123); } 

It has the advantage over the function-parameter syntax that you can also use it for variables or anywhere else you want to write a type.

void doSomething(Function(int) f) {   Function(int) g = f;   g(123); }  var x = <int Function(int)>[];  int Function(int) returnsAFunction() => (int x) => x + 1;      int Function(int) Function() functionValue = returnsAFunction; 
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lrn Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 00:09


Edit: Note that this answer contains outdated information. See Irn's answer for more up-to-date information.

Just to expand on Randal's answer, your code might look something like:

typedef void IntegerArgument(int x);  void doSomething(IntegerArgument f) {     f(123); } 

Function<int> seems like it would be a nice idea but the problem is that we might want to specify return type as well as the type of an arbitrary number of arguments.

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Richard Ambler Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 00:09

Richard Ambler