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Pass a Function with multiple parameters as a Parameter

I have this piece of code, that takes a single function with no parameter, and return's its runtime.

public static Stopwatch With_StopWatch(Action action)
    var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
    return stopwatch;

I would like to transform it to take non void functions with parameters. I heard about the Func<> delegate, but I have no idea how to use it. And I need something like this (very pseudo) :

   public T measureThis(ref Stopwatch sw, TheFunctionToMeasure(parameterA,parameterB))
       sw.Start(); // start stopwatch
       T returnVal = TheFunctionToMeasure(A,B); // call the func with the parameters
       stopwatch.Stop(); // stop sw
       return returnVal; // return my func's return val

So I have to get the return value of the passed func, AND get the stopwatch in the end. Any help is greatly appreciated!

like image 486
Dominik Antal Avatar asked May 18 '12 00:05

Dominik Antal

1 Answers

Your original code can still work. How people will call it is what changes when you have parameters:

With_Stopwatch(() => MethodWithParameters(param1, param2));

you can also call the method with parameters with the second syntax:

With_Stopwatch(() => MethodWithoutParameter());
With_Stopwatch(() => MethodWithParameters(param1, param2));

Update: if you want the return value, you can change your measureThis function to take a Func<T> instead of an Action:

public T measureThis<T>(Stopwatch sw, Func<T> funcToMeasure)
    T returnVal = funcToMeasure();
    return returnVal;

Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
int result = measureThis(sw, () => FunctionWithoutParameters());
Console.WriteLine("Elapsed: {0}, result: {1}", sw.Elapsed, result);
double result2 = meashreThis(sw, () => FuncWithParams(11, 22));
Console.WriteLine("Elapsed: {0}, result: {1}", sw.Elapsed, result);
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carlosfigueira Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11
