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Pass a controller to $ionicModal

I am wondering if you can pass a controller to the $ionicModal service. Something like.

$ionicModal.fromTemplateUrl('templates/login.html', {   scope: $scope,   controller: 'MyModalCotroller' }) 

A little context: I would like to have a modal that is distributed across the app and I dont want to repeat all the methods (hide, show, buttons inside the modal) in every controller and I would like to remove the methods from the 'Main Controller' to keep things clean. This would encapsulate the functionality of the modal.

Is there a way to do this.? Thanks

like image 828
Juan Solano Avatar asked Dec 11 '14 23:12

Juan Solano

People also ask

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Passing data to an Ionic modal This is as simple as calling the componentProps on our modalController create function. number: number = 3; const modal = await this. modalController.

What is modal controller?

Improve this doc. A Modal is a content pane that goes over the user's current page. Usually it is used for making a choice or editing an item. A modal uses the NavController to present itself in the root nav stack.

1 Answers

Just add the controller you want to use in the body of the html of the modal. I created a fiddle to show you an example based off the one provided in the ionic docs: http://jsfiddle.net/g6pdkfL8/

But basically:

<-- template for the modal window --> <ion-modal-view> <ion-content ng-controller="ModalController">  ... </ion-content> <ion-modal-view> 
like image 97
RipTheJacker Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09
